🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 🇵🇱 Multilingual, masocore channel. マルチリンガル、マソコアチャンネル。Wielojęzyczny kanał masocore. I want to help! 手伝いたい!Chcę pomóc! Let us aid our fellow players and conquer very hard games - together.
Veteran gamer, Japan and Chess enthusiast. Trophy hunter & guide maker. 165 hard Platinums. Japanese games and unprecedented, challenge runs are my passion.
I upload in-depth guides weekly (Sunday 16:00 CEST/9:00 CT/23:00 JST). Feel free to post your own tips in the comments section, as those will help others! Most helpful ones will be pinned. Thank you!
PSN - sunashigure1
Twitter - SunaGuidesPL
My best Platinums / Najlepsze Platyny / 私のプラチナ[ベスト]:
#78 Ninja Gaiden 3 [ニンジャガイデン3]
#39 Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 [ニンジャガイデンΣ2]
#88 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge [ニンジャガイデン3RE]
#24 Aliens vs Predator [エイリアンVSプレデター]
#32 James Bond 007: Blood Stone [007ブラッドストーン]
#148 Bloodborne [ブラッドボーン]
#53 Yakuza 3 [龍が如く3]
#48 Killzone 2 [キルゾーン2]
#75 Metal Gear Solid 4 [メタルギアソリッド4]
#91 Yakuza [龍が如く]
#135 Nioh [仁王]