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Madness Cafe Podcast

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Feminists creating a safe place where we discuss politics, h

Yep, women changing the world! #harriswalz2024 #womeninleadership #womengetshitdone The arc of fertility. Want to hear more? #mysocalledselfishlife #madnesscafepodcast My So-Called Selfish Life. #pronatalism #reproductivecontrol #childless #notthemama #choice #project2025 #harriswaltz #stopproject2025 #vote #democracy #savedemocracy #readit #thinkforyourself #mandateforleadership #stopproject2025 #voteblue masculinity? #boymom #boymomlife #masculinity #feminism #feministmom #bookreview #writers #podcast #boys #boymom #masculinity #impossiblemasculinity #whatdoboysneed #madnesscafepodcast #feminist Be prepared. #autoinsurance #uninsured #underinsured #probusiness #whataboutthelittleguy . What do you have to aay? #iconic #blackwomen #politics #blackandwhite Ever talk to a racist about how they became a non-racist?#formerracist #growth #changeispossible #readabook #awelltrainedwife #rift #disobedientwomen #smashthepatriarchy #voting #project2025 #madnesscafepodcast #awelltrainedwife #fruitfullymultipling #quiverfull #patriarchy #christain Christian Patriarchy and Project 2025 #bookreview #patriarchy #project2025 #politics #voteblue #atyourcervix #gynecology #gynecologystudent #thehistoryofgynecology #history #documentaries .#womenandgirls #education #voice #ourbodies #documentaries #medicaleducation #podcast #consent The At Your Cervix Documentary on Madness Cafe Podcast #atyourcervix #documentary #consent #surrogacy #judaism #pregnancyloss #resilience #pushingthroughloss 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in loss. #surrogacy #pushingthroughloss #pregnancyloss #oneinfour Kelila Green Siciliano. Enjoy! #surrogacy #sneakpeek #pushingthroughloss Becoming whole… #angryattherightthings #attachmenttheory #healing @bronwynschweigerdt1382 attachment theory? #imprint #attachmenttheory #anger #angerexpert @bronwynschweigerdt1382 #breakingawayfromchristianpatriarchy #christianpatriarchy #highcontrolreligion #liberation What is it like for a girl in Christian Patriarchy? #rift #memoir #christianpatriarchy #project2025 #relaxerscausecancer #lyzettewanzer #crownact #storytelling #hairdiscrimination #naturalhair Trauma, Tresses & Truth. #crownact #hairdiscrimination #trauma #tresses #truth #naturalhair June 28, 2024 Flashback. #madnesscafepodcast #raquelandjennifer #episodenumberone #wearethree #thirdanniversary EMILYs List. It matters. #democratic #prochoice #women #womeninpolitics #runforoffice #emilyslist EMILYs List. #democratic #prochoice #women #emilyslist #supportingwomeninpolitics #runforoffice to see a glimpse of ourselves #historicalfiction #silencedwhispers #polorized #payattention #iran #silencedwhispers #afarinbellisario #fiction #humanrights #womensrights #iran #acautionarytale “I think I’m burning out.” We need a culture change #imburningout #burnout #burned @thejuliebee Burnout is real. #burnout #entrepreneurialburnout #planforburnout #makeaplan #bookreview #writers listen to women of color in particular. #songsfromthesky #filmmaking #womenofcolor #womensvoices #songsfromthesky #filmaking #filmschool #filmfestivals #filmfestivalsubmission #slavery Are you open to the discussion about erotica? #lapdancelust #womenwritingerotica erotica #lapdancelust #writingerotica101 #erotica #womenwritingerotica #writingtips #thecave #syria #undergroundhospital #advocacy #everyonecandosomething #givetime #educateyourself The Cave. #thecave #syria #syriancivilwar #undergroundhospital #memior #survival #advocacy #hero May 14, 2024 #whitewomenstears #dangerous #keeptheconverationgoing #toolofmanipulation #toolofwhitesupremacy #whitewomenstears #wherewhenandwhy #whitesupremacy #toolofmanipulation #dangerous #deadly #whitewomenstears #danger #discomfort #manipulation #raquelandjennifer Is it countercultural? #countercultural #wisewoman #wisecrone #askquestions #becurious #somatics To be a Wise Crone… #wisecrone #crone #archetype Feel the Divine in You. #contemplativespaces #wisecrone #crone #greyhair #wrinkles #aging #wise Teach ourselves. #emminentdomain #theuglytruthaboutcentralpark #reparations #40acresandamule Wow😮#reparations #reparationsnow #40acresandamule #payup #importantconversations #letstalk