Do not attempt anything you see on this channel I am attempting to get to space this should explain alot.
If anyone is seeing or has seen this please for the love of God don't share it just don't if anybody tries stealing my content I have to highlight it, psychic aliens have shown me this design because I am trusted tou keep my motivation pure,
For obvious reasons I can't show anything dangerous however the more you know the more you can spot...
I at Eden Shorthouse do not agree with anything bad for human health me and my alien influences will make sure you don't succeed you will be held accountable and whatever you do will be prevented I am not joking I am serious extra terrestrial bodies will see to it you plan will fail I know what my intentions are and so do "they" so safety whilst advancing the technology for everyday use and you best believe that I will what Tony stark did and make sure you get the same process as anyone else