Good-Vibes.TV is a Streaming Television talk show hosted by Lesley Klein. This 35 to 50-minute program is focused on the world of energy (quantum physics) and our bioenergetic field. We will explore how we can raise our vibration (or frequency) by interviewing experts and practitioners in the body energy space and beyond to investigate all the ways people can raise their personal vibrations and thrive in this new Age of Aquarius.
Lesley Klein has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. She has a Masters Degree in Mass Communication from Towson State University and a BS in Broadcast Production from the University of Florida. Ms. Klein is also a contributing author in three International Best Selling books: 1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success (published 2020), 1 Habit for Thriving in a Post-Covid World (published 2021) and Wellness for Winners (published 2022).