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Luke Hennisch

471 subscribers - no pronouns set

hey there, i'm luke! i make alternative/indie rock and pop t

Luke Hennisch
21 hours ago - 2 likes

The third of four singles from my forthcoming album 'Unwanted Residents', will be released this Friday, the 14th! Make sure to mark your calendars!

Luke Hennisch
1 month ago - 7 likes

My new single, “Has It Always Been This Way?” (the 2nd single from the forthcoming summer sensation “Unwanted Residents”) will be out by the end of the week! Mark your calendars!

Luke Hennisch
2 months ago - 4 likes

hey everyone. sorry for the lack of new music as of late, but big things are happening. for one, I played my first show last night, which was a fantastic experience and just a ton of fun. I attached below two of the tracks I played. as for new music, I am working diligently on my next LP, with my next single from it on the way real soon. just have to get some more things together and then it will find its way into the world! watch this space.

Luke Hennisch
2 months ago - 6 likes

I just reached 400 (and 1) subscribers! Thank you all very much, I appreciate everyone

Luke Hennisch
5 months ago - 4 likes


You like free stuff right? Well great, for a limited time I’ll be giving away download codes for the “We’re on the Same Train EP,” housing the lead single to my upcoming record “Unwanted Residents.” The download of this EP includes some great stuff. Of course you’ll get the full EP, including head-boppers like We’re on the Same Train and Any Way Out, but it doesn’t stop there. The download includes a digital PDF booklet including illustrations and lyrics for each track and two bonus tracks - the original demos for We’re on the Same Train and It’s About Time. Granted none of these reasons outweigh the fact that’s it free, literally everybody loves free stuff.

To actually get a code, please email me at
Just say something like “give me a code NOW” and I’ll email you back with your own unique code ASAP

You’ll be able to redeem said codes at

So get to emailing and get your code!

Oh and here’s a picture of me in space

Luke Hennisch
5 months ago - 5 likes

merry christmas friends!…

Luke Hennisch
5 months ago - 5 likes

some unfortunate news, i will have to delay the release of my upcoming EP to late January instead of late December. i very unfortunately developed a cold last Thursday, losing my voice and have yet to recover. this has halted production completely, with only one song fully complete. sorry if i let anyone down, but not to fret, there is still some small stuff on the way. thanks!

Luke Hennisch
6 months ago - 4 likes

despite the recent release of the Bus EP, a new Luke Hennisch EP will be out around Christmas time! this will be the second single from my upcoming record, ‘Unwanted Residents’ and it’s called ‘Has It Always Been This Way.’

also here’s a picture of me in a tigger costume holding a tenor recorder

stay tuned for more updates and make sure to follow me on the ol’ Spotify:…

Luke Hennisch
6 months ago - 2 likes

2 years ago today, I released my very first album, "Abused Wristwatches," onto this very platform. When I look back, I'm honestly shocked at how recently that was, it feels more like 5 years ago rather than 2. A lot has happened in that time for my music. I've progressed heavily as both a songwriter and a producer and am now preparing for the launch of my third LP. Just as I have as a person, my music has matured much further with me. I'm truly honored to have a group of individuals listening to the music I've put my heart and soul into. That group only keeps growing and I'm thankful for each and every one of you who takes the time to listen to something that I made.

So to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of this record that debuted my full-length venture into songwriting, I have released re-recordings on my Bandcamp page of two tracks from Abused Wristwatches I recorded over the summer. These two songs are "I Thought So" and "Don't Decide." I Thought So has taken on a faster pace and more of a pop punk vibe to it than the original version. Don't Decide, my personal favorite out of the two, has taken on a completely new form than its earliest state, which was recorded over 3 years ago on only an acoustic guitar. This new version features heavy, blistering electric guitar tones that gives this track a more pensive sound to it, in a strange way. The photo is from a recording session for the record in April 2021. Thanks again for your continued support, you guys are the best!

Check out the tracks here:…