I eat and drink only raw fresh fruits. That means; no water, no leaves or vegetables, no dried fruits, nuts, or seeds, no meat, and nothing cooked. 100% only raw fresh fruit + meditation, breath work, yoga, smoking marijuana, eating mushrooms; have all contributed to making me feel alot better than before, vs when I was a meat based omnivore for 18 years or so; (born&raised eating meat).
After a lifetime of being meat-based, I slowly became plant based including more vegetable and then I transititioned into only-fruits. Now, it’s been only raw fresh uncooked fruits for 4+ years.
In conclusion, I’ve been able to try all diets; felt worst as an omnivore eating almost any food you can buy from the store, better as a whole foods plant based vegan, but best as a 100% only-fruit eater/drinker.
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Check my instagram if you want to learn more:@Fruitisthebestfoodanddrink