The channel is run by an Army Veteran Sub (Retd) Harvir Singh who had also served as an official in Indian Diplomatic Mission abroad. He is a keen traveller and a car lover, who travelled all around the globe and has an experience cars of different brand, make and model. He is an experienced traveller who drove his own cars approx 350k kms till date as hobby. Countries visited are Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Republic of Benin, UAE and Malaysia. Cars owned till date include Nissan Sunny (Nigeria), Maruti Esteem, Fiat Punto, Ford Ecosport, Mahindra Thar RWD and Citroen Aircross AT. Through his channel and vlogs he covers travel experiences, car and bike reviews, car ownership and user reviews, DOs and DONTs of a car owner, travel vlogs, travel experiences, hotel and stay, solo travelling, couch surfing, carpooling, Bla Bla experiences and many more information which are relevant to auto and travel industry. His future ambition is to go for a world tour by road with his wife.