We are having fun keeping our little memories. Enjoy. We loving life no matter what. Through covid, road rage, ignorance...Higher Powers got us! Shielded and Protected!!!!!!! BTW Thanks for watching our videos, my son really loves YouTube.
And, for haters and the idiots that stop by this page Higher Powers got you, we shielded and protected so keep that ignorance moving ( 🙏💪 gots to leave a lil something something like Maxwell). I will delete your comments just like magic poof (tis wonderful) 😌 💯! To Your existence poof! Die ignorant with your hate as your guide, my advice lol! Thanks for dropping by! Tah Tah! Oh yeah don't be trif* you can just swipe*, keep it moving these videos are for our memories lol. I'm not buying a camcorder! Free memory storage etc.