Stories from the last colony in Africa.
Saharawi Voice is a blog designed to let people know what happened in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, why half of the population lives in refugee camps in southern Algeria and who are the Saharawi people.Our main goal is to be a voice for those who lost theirs. To show the world their suffering and unmasking the human rights violations in the occupied territories. We want to offer our readers knowledge about the other side of the Saharawi life. Besides their longing for freedom, the culture, music, daily life in the refugee camps.
The people writing information, posting articles and making videos are mostly young Saharawis living in the refugee camps.Its also a space for Saharawis who are living in the refugee camps, in the occupied territories and in Spain to connect, exchange ideas and share their points of view about the collective destiny of the Saharawi people.