1.) History: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1--WAPkC049B0uqrNX6…
2.) Interpersonal: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-4BLwmwZf-nVxvmkEk…
3.) Personal: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mhrpbwT_lE1wrLgHuO…
A channel with content as scattered as the mind of its creator. Discussing connections and differences of various topics, in an attempt to gain insight leading up to a moment and sense of Euphoria. All content is completely made up and fictional, any resemblance to true or lifelike events is completely coincidence. The entirety of substance within this channel is due merely to random coincidence of chance and infinite chaos in an ever expanding and vast universe, making everything within it, of natural occurrence, uncopyrightable and unintentional. Ergo, any content which may be self incriminating, offensive in nature, or a breach of existing copyright laws to be, null, and void.