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Flex God

36K subscribers - no pronouns :c

I like to workout

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Flex God
Posted 3 days ago

Excuses are like quicksand.

The more you use them, the deeper you sink. I used to be the excuse king: "Too tired.", "Start tomorrow.", "Too hard.", "Not built for this."

At 303 pounds, excuses were my comfy blanket. But guess what? Excuses don't make you fit. They don't make you strong or happy.

Here's how I kicked excuses to the curb:

Start Now: Tell yourself, "NOW is the perfect time."

Accountability: Tell friends what you'll do. You'll look silly if you don't follow through.

Just Do Something: My first workouts were bad, but better than nothing. I improved over time.

Remember: I was where you might be now. And if I turned my life around, you can too.

Today's your day to do something. No more "I'll start Monday." Start now. Even if it's just a 5-minute walk.

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Flex God
Posted 4 days ago

I’ve learned to love the F word (I’m talking about failure..). Here's why:

Failure is feedback. It's not the end; it's a lesson. When I was obese and trying to lose weight, every diet that didn't
work, every workout I skipped, taught me something.

Failure Sharpens You: Like a blade against a stone, each failure made me sharper, smarter about my choices.

Here's how I embraced failure:

Reframe It: I stopped seeing failure as defeat. Instead, it was data. What went wrong? How can I fix it?

Keep Going: After a fail, I didn't stop. I adjusted. Maybe less sugar, more steps, whatever the lesson was.

If I couldn’t stick to my diet and relapsed. I took that as a learning opportunity: “WHY did I fail?”, “WHAT can I learn from this moment to reduce my chances of failing NEXT TIME?”

Now, look at me. Each failure was a brick in the foundation of my success. Failure isn't falling down; it's staying down. And I decided never to stay down.

If you've tripped, stumbled, or face-planted, good. You're in the game. Get up, dust off, and go again. Because every failure is just setting you up for a bigger comeback.

If you want to make a change in your life, let's talk:

101 - 5

Flex God
Posted 5 days ago

4am thoughts:

Have you ever heard a voice inside of your head?

The one that says, "You can't do this," or "You're not good enough"?

When I was at my heaviest, that voice was loud.

It told me: "Why bother? You'll never lose the weight” or "You're destined to fail."

But here's what I learned: That voice isn't you. It's just fear wearing a mask, trying to keep you in your comfort zone, even if that zone is anything but comfortable.

Here's how I started to silence that critic:

Challenge it.

Every time it said "You can't," I did something small to prove it wrong. Walked a bit further, chose a salad over fries.

Talk back. I started telling myself, "I can, and I will." Positive talk isn't just fluff; it's powerful.

Celebrate small wins. Got through a day without junk food? That's a victory. Celebrate it.

Surround yourself with positivity.

I found people who uplifted me, not those who echoed my inner critic.

Now, 100 pounds lighter and years wiser, that critic still tries to speak, but it's just a whisper now. I've built a life where I'm in control, not that negative voice.

If your inner critic is loud right now, know this: You're stronger than it. You can shut it down, step by step, choice by choice. Tell that voice to fuck off and prove it wrong. Even if it’s ONE SMALL actionable step, do SOMETHING.

Remember, I was once where you might be, listening to that same doubting voice.

But I chose to fight back, and now, I'm here to help you do the same.

If you’re a young man, looking for guidance on how to tackle that inner critic, I’m here to help. Let’s talk.…

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Flex God
Posted 6 days ago

Imagine walking with 50 pound sandbags tied to your legs.

That was me, every damn day. Simple things like breathing felt like solving a puzzle with missing pieces. Chairs? Traps. Buses? Torture devices.

The world wasn't built for me, or so it felt.

I could read my neighbors' expressions based on their faces alone: "How could you let this happen?" This was my life, locked in a cell of my own making. But here's a secret about prisons:

Prisons have keys. Fitness became my key. It wasn't just about losing weight; it was about breaking free.

If you're feeling trapped in your body, listen up. Because you can break out. Start with these simple steps:

Start small, find your why, and be consistent. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nobody is expecting you to bench 500 pounds on your first week of training.


Progressive overload. Up the levels of difficulty every session. Train harder than last time. Otherwise you won’t improve.

I won’t sugar coat it, change was fucking hard.

I had to get out of bed, every morning, and work relentlessly towards my goal of losing weight. Or work hard for whatever other goal I wanted to achieve.

Now, 6 years later, I don’t know how I ever lived the way I did back then. I’ve grown so much from my experiences, and I have no regrets.

I forged the keys to escape my prison. And if you're ready to escape your body's prison, let's talk and forge your keys together.…

186 - 11

Flex God
Posted 6 days ago

Tired of feeling Pain?

I understand pain greatly. We all go through it. There’s only two options to overcome this great obstacle. Either you can lay around and be sad all day doom scrolling on social media. Or, you are going to take control of your life, and start leading yourself to a better future. It’s your life and only you can dictate what you can do with your life. Live to your fullest potential by discovering who you are as a person and what is the ultimate paying you are suffering in face it head on. Only you can make these changes towards a better life. Nobody else can. Self love is the best love over anyone that can give you. Invest in yourself and learn your skills and what you are capable of. When you unleash the beast, that’s when they will notice. Use your pain to transform your life. If you need help finding your best potentials and overcome your trauma book a call with me

75 - 3

Flex God
Posted 1 week ago

Are you happy with your body?

8 - 4

Flex God
Posted 1 week ago

Guess what:

Everything that I have that you want is the result of a single choice.

It doesn’t matter what you’re going through: overweight, depressed, lonely, addicted to X.

Every problem always has a simple solution.

You either choose to make the hard choice: start losing the weight, build your social skills, etc.

OR, make the easy choice: and go back to bed. Your life force slowly withering away into dust.

No matter what problem I’m going through, I choose to be brave.

Now I’m in the best shape of my life (-100 pounds), building my business empire online.

Everyday when I wake up, I choose to make the hard choice. Whereas most choose to roll back into bed.

Even when I didn’t want to go to the gym in the morning. I would still go. Because I KNEW that I would regret it later if I didn’t.

And my hard choices have yet to let me down in life.

So be brave. Make the hard choice. And watch just how great your life could become.

What hard choice will you make today?

If my words give you even a little hope/motivation to improve your life.

Then you’re going to love my other content. So drop a follow to get pure value on your feed daily.

68 - 2

Flex God
Posted 1 week ago

This is me.

I lost 100 pounds in only 10 months from 303 pounds. And 6 years later, at 25 years old, I remain a disciplined, and changed man forever.

This is my story, and why you can do it too: I was always the biggest kid in my school.

The good: I was average height, broad shouldered. My size gave me an advantage in American football.

The bad: I was terribly obese. My belly's layers were like chapters of a book I wished to erase. Each fold a verse of unspoken shame.

Football was all I had, it was my escape from looking at myself in the mirror. And the only thing burning enough calories to keep me mobile.

That was, until I suffered a severe injury on the field. I was rushed to the hospital and had to stay off the field for a long time.

Long story short, I recovered. But being off the field, plus the medication my doctor gave me. Ruined my physical well being, and by age 17, I was 303 pounds.

My weight now defined me, my unwanted, toxic, but only friend. That toxic friend told me every night that I couldn’t change. That I should give up and end everything.

So what changed? I thought of my mother. I thought about how that choice could affect everyone who knew me.

After all the bullshit I put them through, and the bullshit I put myself through.

I couldn’t leave them with a big fuck you. So, I stopped feeling sorry for myself.

I joined a fitness class and without stopping, pushed towards a better life. I learned how to convert my emotional eating habit into energy for more productive habits.

And as I saw the number on the scale drop day by day. I felt the seeds of inner strength and confidence begin to sprout. And now look at me. Months of blood, sweat, and tears.



Why can’t you?

If you’re 22+ and hate what you see in the mirror, let's talk.

102 - 6

Flex God
Posted 2 weeks ago

A New Transformation…

Hey people,
It’s been a minute since I’ve uploaded. Been going through much troubling things in my personal life and tragically my 17 year old cat has passed away. That was my best friend and at this moment of my life, I’m at my lowest. Never felt so sad and angry in my life but instead of using the pain as an excuse to go back to bad habits, I am going to use this as fuel for motivation to truly not just transform my life, but many people. We are going through spiritual warfare and what got me motivated into fitness was my spirit. I hated myself so I wondered how to love myself. We got many issues we are facing but not overcoming so these upcoming videos will aim at the main source. What really is going to improve your wellbeing. I want to help change lives so these next few videos I’ll be blunt and fully transparent on who I really am and how I overcome obstacles. It all starts with the most important thing…. MINDSET. These videos are dedicated to my best friend of 17 years….. Phat Katt

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Flex God
Posted 3 months ago


Finally after a week of working on this I finally dropped my Fat to Fit Program. Everything you need to know about going from Fat to Fit all in one course using the principles I used to get in shape from 300 lbs to 182 lbs. If you implement these principles to yourself, I guarantee you will see results.

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