in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
i really disappeared for 4 months life's been hectic, I'll again be back idk when but i spent a whole lot of time in my this new sub i hope you all love it 🫶
477 - 61
currently working on subs i've always wanted to make since i made this account !!
it's the sole reason ive wanted to make my acc but i somehow only ended up making just academic subs😭 these subs will be a bit more personality and life based , i'll also be including some intelligence subs as well ( it's like for overall life and not just academics kind of )
for eg - the discipline sub i made
but i was wondering what kind of academic subs would you all like ! comment your suggestions i would love to read them 💕 💕
455 - 72
which one is a better thumbnail for tomorrow's sub! 👀 ( board exam sub is going to be out tomorrow!! )
158 - 21
i have been getting huge amount of requests for a 2023 board exam sub since the format is back to one exam.
since I have been inactive and the board exams have begun I will be making a board exam sub for 2023 ( can be used for even 2024 and so on because the format is the same )
I will be making the sub specially so that for those whose 23 boards will be over they can listen to it AFTER the exams as well.
— so the sub will cater as both an after exam sub + a pre exam sub for all board exam candidates ( all years from hereon unless the format changes) i hope this helps <3 —
402 - 72
this is so embarassing- i use my old phone to manage this account and so my insta acts up 90% of the time and today after opening my insta after months idk what happened?? but it suddenly showed me all the dms i have gotten which i could not see before
so there are like tons of dms from weeks ago even more than a year back which i am seeing for the first time and i feel so terrible because i didn't mean to ignore those dms and idk if i should text back to those dms after like 1.5years 😭😭 help
UPDATE: this post was on schedule and i didn't even notice 😭 but pretty much when i actually wrote this i went back and texted to almost everyone except few which were those b0t accs , and im so glad i did
201 - 7
OMG GUYS 💗 THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR 10K SUBS !! i cant believe this , when i started this channel i never thought i would get to 10k subs
im so grateful 💕 sorry for the inactivity i will be uploading subs soon as well as a 10k special sub!
230 - 21
new exam sub coming out today !! it's a mix of benefits from almost all of my previous academic sub !
245 - 17
i have like over 400 comments which i need to read and like/reply to , best of luck to me 😭😭😭
184 - 16
— for the academic overachievers
call me kai or lin
sub maker ♡
ig : wesylinn