This channel is for Original season2 of VideoMods as seen on MTV2 way back in 2004/2005. These videos were made by a defunct animation company in Buffalo NY called IBC Digital. They were made for MTV with the full co-operation of the Bands and Video game companies who contributed to each video.
I CLAIM NO COPYRIGHT. These videos are here posted as "Fair Use" for educational and news worthy. Video Mods is a defunct unavailable Lost Media, and I am making them available to allow the show to be remembered for its once artistic achievement and cultural impact to be remembered. While they are a sign of the times, and look dated by todays standards, they are historic nonetheless.
originally in a 4:3 aspect ratio at 720X486 NTSC resolution. There are a number of shitty copies out there. I have pulled these from the original master DVD vob files and used Video AI uprez by TopazLabs to remove compression artifacts, 3:2 pulldown and upconvert them into Full 1920x1080p video.