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Alpha Kilo Warrior

1.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Look for new content: Every Sunday at 5:00pm Eastern 👨‍✈️

Aerial Photography: Hartford CT to Shirley NY #shorts #aviation #avgeek #planespotting Cessna Departing Ice Runway in NH #aviation #shorts #aerialphotography #avgeek Departure Brief: #pilots discuss an engine failure on #takeoff #shorts #flying #emergency #aviation Sky Acres Land, crazy hill taxi, eat kick ass waffles 🧇 & the wall of shame #shorts #flying #pilot Top-Gun speed lap around the Hudson NJ and Manhattan #shorts #aviation #flying #aerialphotography Hudson River Exclusion NYC GWB #shorts #hudsonriver #nyc #aerialvideo #aviation Landing at 4B9 Simsbury Airport CT Piper Warrior #shorts #landing #generalaviation #cockpitview Landing at Goodspeed 42B in a Piper #shorts #landing #aviation #flying #perfectlanding Fly like an Eagle 🦅 over the CT River #shorts #aviation #airplane #aerialvideo Give me an RNAV approach into Bradley my HOMEY #shorts #cockpitview #aviation Alpha Kilo Warrior Channel Membership Offer Landing an Airplane 3 GoPro angles #shorts #cockpitview #aviation #generalaviation Delivering Donuts on ATC tower frequency in a Piper #generalaviation #privatepilot #shorts Sterile Airplane Cockpit PAX Quiet Bro! #generalaviation #privatepilot #shorts Emergency Descent Training Piper Warrior #shorts #cockpitview #flighttraining 🔥 What is Landing with GUMPS? #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview Stop Flying Your Drone Near My Airport #shorts #generalaviation #cockpitview Smooth Landing in a Piper Warrior #shorts #privatepilot #cockpitview Piper Warrior left of Centerline, AGAIN! #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview Look Mom, I'm a traffic reporter now #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview Lucky Bird or Lucky Pilot? #shorts Piper Warrior Animation Using Blender at TF Green International Airport, Providence RI #shorts Pilot flies over New Britain Stadium - Bees Baseball | New Britain, CT | #shorts Pilots landing made armpits sweat #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview My shadow's altimeter has been stuck at field elevation, where can I bring for service? | #shorts Pilot flies an airplane full trip at 3,000' Timelapse from Hartford-Oxford, CT | #shorts GoPro Testing Time Lapse Feature | 80's Radio | #shorts Pilot landing an airplane then Sunset Taxi #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview Pilot VFR at 2,900' avoids mid-air collision #shorts #privatepilot #generalaviation #cockpitview Pilot lands an airplane VFR Runway 2 into Hartford, CT with ATC Late Afternoon| KHFD | #shorts Pilot lands an airplane on Runway 20 at Tweed, New Haven, CT KHVN | ATC | #shorts Pilot takeoff using Runway 2 with ATC at Tweed New Haven, CT | KHVN | #shorts Pilot takeoff from Class Delta airport with ATC on Runway 2 in Hartford, CT | KHFD | #shorts 24 Hours of a house plant's life in 6 seconds | Plant Reached Level 2 | #shorts #plantshorts