Better health, better fitness, better life FOR YOU everyday, everywhere. Via brain-based microtraining and training. New moves. New twists on classics. More power, less stress and pain. From beginner to athlete. Connect. Comments and questions are welcome. Subscribes, likes, shares appreciated (for Danish, right-click mouse, oversæt).
Personal sessions and enquiries:
Me: Master of Fitness and Exercise. Speaker. Coach. Author 30 + fitness books. Dr. Fitness national tv/websites.
Background: Prof. of sports, national AER GYM coach. Passion: Time-efficient life enhancing health and fitness strategies.
Speaker: Health, exercise, habit change. Body-mind and brain (neurophysiology) based.
Group exercise: Course instructor. ACE certified. Reebok Master Trainer. Flow a top priority.
Personal training: Course instructor. Examinator. Personal trainer ACE. Pain-free is key.
Bonus info:
Enjoy travelling for work, fitness, stair running and sightseeing.