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Welcome to my channel, a thrilling ride through the universe

1 day ago - 5 likes

☀️😎 Hello everybody! I am going abroad to the neighborhood country on a seaside trip with some friends and I will be not streaming/making any new content, as long as I am there, for 1 week or 2 in case something else happens after I return.
📽️ Also there is another announcement I want to make as I noticed that some of you guys had no idea about it: every time after I end a livestream or even when i upload a video/short, I take my time to rewatch it myself (on fast forward) to add the TIMESTAMPS so that it's easier for you all to watch in replay in case you missed the stream or in case you want to see again a certain moment of it. I have been doing this already for the past 5-6 months so a big amount of my streams now have the timestamps added.

Take care everyone, stay safe and I will see you all when I am back, with fresh energy! 💪😊

1 month ago - 6 likes

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to share that in F1 24, after a lot of struggle and hard challengers, I’ve finally managed to achieve the Elite Division in Ranked Multiplayer mode! 🏆 This is the highest and toughest rank to obtain, and I’m incredibly honored to be among the first players worldwide to reach this milestone out of hundreds of thousands of gamers that are already owning the game (in less than 30 days after the game's release). A huge thank you to all of you who have joined my livestreams and supported me on this journey from Bronze and all the way here to Elite. Your encouragement and presence have been invaluable.

I’ll be hosting a special livestream on Tuesday (2.07.2024), where I’ll be racing against other Elite players. By the time I type this post, only 15 of us worldwide have managed to get to this division, but I am pretty confident that, even in this situation, the competition will be fierce, and I anticipate challenging and exciting races. Even I might struggle to keep up, but I’m eager to improve and push my limits further. There’s always room for growth!

Stay tuned for the stream details and let’s continue this incredible journey together. Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to see you all this weekend! 🏁 Take care everyone! 😊

1 month ago - 5 likes

Hello everyone! It might not have been a big audience or something in my previous livestreams but I would like to thank each and everyone of you for reaching out to me (either in the comments or on Discord) with positive feedback about the Amnesia stories that I've been recently streaming live on my channel. Either if it was a interesting experience for you to see this amazing stories , either if you wanted to re-live again the nostalgia of them or even if you enjoyed the funny moment that happened every time i was getting scared by something (yeah....when i checked the replays to add the timestamps I was amused myself too about how i was reacting when i got scared but hey, everyone gets spooked in their own ways 🤣😅). As I don't have yet in my mind a new story series or any upcoming title that picks my interest that much to stream, would you like to see more of those Amnesia stories on my channel until a certain story related game "crosses paths" with me?

1 month ago - 7 likes

Hello everyone! Due to having technical issues with my PC, I am going to be halting my content/livestreams for 1-2 days, to reinstall completely my OS(operating system) and all the tools, drivers and apps that I need. I am really sorry for the incovenience but it has to be done! Have a great day everyone, take care and I will see you all back when I am ready!

2 months ago - 6 likes

Hello guys! Hope this message finds you all well. I would like to announce that I am back from my refreshing Easter break and I am very excited to dive back into streaming with a bang! 🚀Join me LIVE, this Saturday, 17:00 (5:00 PM) EEST (UTC +3) as I will stream a very funny game , called: "The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe." For those new to it, this game is an expanded version of the classic "The Stanley Parable." It offers a unique blend of storytelling and decision-making, where every choice leads to new paths and endings. It’s quirky, thought-provoking, and promises tons of fun. 🎮
Get ready for some fun and unique twists! Looking forward to seeing all of you there! 🌟

2 months ago - 8 likes

Hello everyone! I would like to thank you very much for joining my birthday livestream and congratsulations for all the giveaway winners ! It was an amazing birthday and I am really happy for that . It was a blast and I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too! 😊 I would like to also mention that, this weekend, I will be celebrating Easter and I am going back to my home town for a few days! I will be taking a week of break from streaming/making any content on my channel. I am not sure yet exactly the day yet of my returning, but it's 100% going to be next week. In case there will be any delays, I will be texting you all again.

Thank you very much again for all the love and support! You are all legends! 🤩Have a great rest of the week and I can't wait to meet with you all again! Stay cool and awesome! 😎

2 months ago - 6 likes

Hey everyone! I'm super excited to announce that on April 30th, I'll be celebrating my 26th BIRTHDAY anniversary with a special live event! 🥳 Join me for a fun-filled livestream on my YouTube channel as we dive into the wacky world of Fall Guys. It's going to be a blast, and I'd love for you to be part of the festivities! You will be able to play along with me during the stream, as the party will open and everyone is welcome to play!

But wait, there's more! On my Discord server, I will be hosting several giveaways where you can win some awesome games. As clock will hit midnight on 30th April, in my timezone, I will have the raffles ready for you guys to be able to join. The winners will be picked at the end of livestream! One of the winners can be even you, so don't miss this opportunity! Joining the livestream is not mandatory to be able to win any of the games in the raffles, but the giveaway bot, will prioritise the people that are also watching the stream for minimum 10 minutes by the time the winners will be picked, so if you want to maximise your chances to win any of the games, make sure you are ready for it! The more time you are watching, the higher are your chances! Here is the link from my discord server if you want to join and especially if you want to participate in the giveaways:

So come hang out, play along, and let's make some birthday memories together. Can't wait to see you all there! 😊

3 months ago - 7 likes

Hello everyone! I would like to make some important announcements about my recent content from the last 2-3 weeks...or more like in the last month to be more precise and I would like to share with you some important information about what's about to happen in the upcoming weeks on my channel:

A) First, I would like to thank everyone that reached out to me during the past weeks (either in DM's on Discord, either in my Discord Server or during the streams in the live chat) giving me valuable feedback about my content, about my streaming schedule, about the way I am handling my content and also I would like to thank everyone that shared with me games recommendations that I should try in the future, if I enjoy them.

I am deeply happy and I have lots of appreciation, for each and every one of you for this and I am thrilled that I have you as my awesome community, because after all , my channel is not just a gaming channel, but a community that we are slowly, but steady, building together and where each of us can have fun together with some amazing games from different genres. Together, we are becoming united and stronger and this is only just the beginning of them all.

B) While I was managing my past streaming schedule, I have realised that, even though i was trying to make content to a different game all the time, I was also making very big breaks during the streams and I ended up even streaming too less a certain game and sometimes even worse, making content for a certain popular game or a game that you guys loved a lot, once every 2 weeks 😢

For example Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, the game that I recently started playing more often than before on my channel, I ended up at some point streaming it too less and some of you reached out to me to share this important detail and I gave it a thought too and you are indeed right here and I am really sorry for this. I enjoy a lot too, this game, because it's a series that I've been playing from scratch, even before making my own YouTube channel and even myself I was leaving my mind too much in a cliffhanger, because I never google walkthroughs for the games I stream and I am not playing them in advance either so , you can say it , in a funny way , that I am just like you , waiting too much! 🤣😅

Because of this , I have decided that, until I am completing this game, I will be streaming only this one until is over, because the game has 14 chapters in total and with my playthrough I arrived at chapter 11, so because of that, here is my upcoming streaming schedule (if nothing personal happens to me IRL):

- 30.03.2024 , 18:00 (6:00 PM) EET / 16:00 (4:00 PM) GMT : Chapter 11
- 2.04.2024 , 20:00 (8:00 PM) EEST / 17:00 (5:00 PM) GMT : Chapter 12
- 4.04.2024 , 20:00 (8:00 PM) EEST / 17:00 (5:00 PM) GMT : Chapter 13
- 6.04.2024 , 16:00 (4:00 PM) EEST / 13:00 (1:00 PM) GMT : Chapter 14 (Final Chapter)

C) Also, I have some extra news to share to you: Because of what will happen at B) , I have decided that after I complete Infinite Wealth, in the upcoming weeks after it (8.04.2024 -> 21.04.2024), all the livestreams that I will host will be only with racing games, meaning that my usual livestreams days, will contain only racing games. I have not decided yet for what racing games will be but you will know for sure by the time that week arrives because I always schedule my livestreams with 1-2 days before going live in both the channel and also in my Discord Server.

Thank you again for all the love and the support, for all the feedback that you've shared to me , I am, again, really sorry for what happened. I have learned something new from this and I can't wait to see you all in the next livestreams. Take care everyone and have a great day! You are awesome!😊

4 months ago - 10 likes

Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you all well.

As our community continues to grow, I've been reflecting on the direction of our live streams and the kind of space we want to foster together. Over the past few live sessions, I’ve allowed for a very open chat, where everyone could talk about pretty much anything, even if it was off-topic. While I love the enthusiasm and the interaction, things have spiraled in a direction that has, unfortunately, led to a less enjoyable experience for many and sometimes for me as well, when I was reading your chats either during the livestream or either in replay, when I was adding the timestamps so that it's easy to follow after the stream ends, if people watch it after it. This has resulted in a noticeable dip in the audience engagement over the last weeks, with some of you expressing your concerns directly to me.

With this in mind, I want to introduce some guidelines for our live streams chats to ensure our community remains a welcoming and enjoyable place for everyone:

a) Stay on Topic: Let’s try to keep our chat related to the stream content. For example, if we’re diving into the world of racing games, let’s focus on that; if I play an adventure game, we stick to that adventure game and so on. Discussions about unrelated topics or off-topic subjects can derail the experience for those here for the stream's theme. You can also come and tell funny jokes to say in the chat according to what happens, as long as it's related to the stream , everything is allowed as long as there are limits to them;

b) Respectful Language: Please avoid using obscene, vulgar, or overly provocative language. It’s important we respect each other and maintain a positive environment; I know that even myself can go a bit wild sometimes when I get frustrated in certain moments, but I still keep it to a bare minimum as much as I can;

c) No Escalation: Let’s avoid letting conversations spiral into negative or unrelated territories. We’re here to enjoy ourselves and share in a common interest.

Should these guidelines not be respected, I, along with our dedicated moderators, will have to take more drastic measures to ensure our community remains a place everyone can enjoy. This isn’t something I take lightly, but it’s essential for the health and enjoyment of our live streams.

I truly appreciate your cooperation and enjoyment whenever you join every livestream I host and I hope you will understand these new changes. Let’s work together to make our livestreams even more enjoyable and engaging for everyone involved.

Thank you for being such an amazing community. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in the future content. Let’s continue to make great memories together! Wishing you all a fantastic day ahead!😊

5 months ago - 9 likes

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce that I have joined a new racing league (ongoing one this time😅) and starting next Sunday (25.02.2024) and every Sunday from now on , until it ends, I will be joining it and hosting it LIVE on my YouTube channel to witness my full POV online racing action! 🏁

I would like to thank the hosts (Freestyle Aces) for giving me the chance to take part in this amazing league and I cannot wait to have fun and enjoy some competitive racing, along with other 20+ amazing drivers that also signed in it and especially to have fun and even to deepen my racing knowledge!

The first round (that I am joining in) will start LIVE on Sunday at 20:30(8:30 PM) EET (Eastern European Time) /18:30(6:30 PM) GMT.

Take care everyone and hope to see you all there! 💪🏻