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Pigeon Piitan

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🕊️Pigeon Life🕊️ 鳩と暮らす🕊️ We rescued a newborn baby pigeon

He smells like a fluffy sunny day🌞 My pigeon love hamburger hold 🐦 Pigeon cuddling time Morning routine with a pigeon☀️ How pigeons eat (slow-motion observation) Evening sofa time with a pigeon🕊️ A Kikkoman soy sauce bottle makes a perfect feeder for pigeon babies🐣 How pigeons scratch their tiny head (Slow motion observation) Pigeon’s twig obsession🕊️ Pigeon way of getting refreshy🕊️ 鳩がスッキリしたい時 Making pigeon pants #3🕊️ 鳩のオムツを作る#3 Sleepy pigeon🕊️おねむの鳩🕊️ Taking a walk together in the summer meadow with a pigeon, Piitan. スロバキアの夏の草原で鳩と散歩。 Pigeon cuddle🕊️in a meadow, Topolchany, Slovakia Pigeon kisses are quite passionate. 鳩のキスはかなり激しめ My pigeon cleans me up with his little beaks. うちの鳩は、私の身体のあちこちを、小さなクチバシでキレイにしてくれる。気が向いた時だけ。 5 day old baby pigeon started speaking🐦 生後5日の赤ちゃん鳩が話し始めた Feeding a very hungry two-month baby pigeon with a homemade feeding bottle. 手作り哺乳瓶で、鳩の赤ちゃんにゴハンをあげるよ。 Life with pigeon in Bratislava, Slovakia. 鳩のいる暮らし Life with pigeon 🕊️ 鳩のいる暮らし Making a pigeon diaper! 鳩のオムツを作るよ。 🕊️ Pigeon Life🕊️ 鳩のいる暮らし A pigeon at a spa 🕊️鳩のスパ時間 A pigeon jumps onto my chest and asks for scratch and love. 鳩が胸に飛び乗ってきて、ナデナデをせがんでくる。