Welcome to Space Academy - Sector Earth. For now, it is content created here, on Youtube, to bring you information on many aspects of larger reality, all to do with mind and soul, the system you are living in, stellar knowledge and technology, space, and everything else related to expanding your awareness beyond what´s available for the average citizen of Earth.
Are you alone in the universe? What does it mean to find out you are not? What happens after you die? Where is God? What can you learn about higher technologies? Does life have any meaning? And what about the so-called Cabal and Matrix? Is it for real?
The journey you are about to embark on will offer you a vast amount of perpectives through which you can begin to get answers to all the above questions, and many, many more. The veil is lifting, get ready!
* Channel is not monetized
* Channel is run by Gosia, not by the Taygetans.