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Cole Hastings

678K subscribers - no pronouns set

Navigating self-improvement through nuance. For business en

Cole Hastings
15 hours ago - 75 likes

šŸ¤« Secret second channel for the real ones.

Going to be posting stuff I wouldn't want to post on this channel, completely unscripted.

Just posted the first video. Be one of the first to check it out below.

Cole Hastings
2 weeks ago - 277 likes

What are you struggling with the most right now?

Cole Hastings
1 month ago - 320 likes

Who you are in this moment is the culmination of all your past stories.

Stories of failure. Stories of triumph. Stories of heartbreak. Stories of trauma.

All of these stories create the identity you call ā€œIā€.

If thereā€™s one indisputable fact about your story, itā€™s this:

The same story will continue writing itself unless a great enough outside force is enacted upon it.

Your current identity might have you convinced that youā€™re not capable of being that outside force.

But you are capable of rewriting your story as you are right now.

I wanted to create a free guide to help you realize your potential.

And that is why Iā€™ve created a completely free course for you titled, ā€œThe Path To Self Actualizationā€ in my Skool community.

If youā€™re tired of the life you currently live, and you want lasting, permanent change, take the free course in my community on Skool, and rewrite your story.

To access it, just click the link in the pinned comment.

I look forward to seeing your transformation.

Cole Hastings
2 months ago - 181 likes

We are edging closer and closer to busting past 1000 members in my free self-improvement community.

If you haven't heard about it yet, it's on the platform "Skool", where you can create posts, get advice, and get access to an online classroom of free resources I've created.

I'm in the middle of creating a full length course for the Skool community that will be 100% free for you.

So if you want to join an online school for like-minded people on self-improvement, click hereāžž

Cole Hastings
2 months ago - 2K likes

Set a reminder on your phone.
Watch it on the biggest screen you own.
And Iā€™ll see you next Sunday.

Cole Hastings
3 months ago - 1.6K likes

This is my final update.

After months of scripting, shooting, and editing, I am reaching the final steps for the creation of my short film.

If you arenā€™t caught up, you can scroll down in my community posts to see other updates. But essentially, Iā€™ve been in the process of making my very first self improvement short film that will be uploaded here to YouTube.

Iā€™ve just about finished making all the cuts, and the total run time should come out to be around 35 minutes. Thatā€™s a pretty ideal short film length.

All thatā€™s left to do now is:
- Film one last small scene
- Sound design
- Color Grading

And Iā€™ll be able to hit the render button.

This means the film will be out within the next 1-2 weeks.

And in my next community post, I will announce the official date and time.

The biggest project Iā€™ve EVER worked on is finally reaching the finish line.

And the full short film will be here on YouTube for you to watch for free.

Look out for the official announcement date within the next week.

Iā€™m so fucking stoked.

- Cole

Cole Hastings
3 months ago - 613 likes

Everything outside of you is just as much an expression of you as everything inside you.

The way YOU see the trees

The way YOU hear a piece of music

The way YOU perceive other peopleā€™s actions

This unique interpretation of reality only comes from your subjective experience.

Cole Hastings
3 months ago - 424 likes

Most people never get what they truly want in their relationships.

Theyā€™re convinced that if they have to verbally express the behavior they want from their partner or friend, the behavior wonā€™t be genuine.

Either that, or theyā€™re afraid theyā€™re asking for too much, and it will only start an argument.

Rarely the case.

And if it is true that your partner or friend is willing to start an argument over it, itā€™s usually a sign of a lack of emotional maturity.

This means you might have to distance yourself if theyā€™re not willing to change.

Itā€™s much harder than staying in a suboptimal relationship, but really proves how much you value yourself.

Cole Hastings
3 months ago - 1.3K likes

I think unrealistic expectations are this generation's biggest "make or break" problem to solve.

Social media flaunting the idea that extreme wealth can be built in a matter of months- which, it can, if you're willing to upcharge for a shitty product from Ali-baba that you don't even believe in.

Reality is, sustainable, meaningful, lasting wealth takes decades to build.

Online realm also promotes the idea you should "never settle" with a partner. Which, while somewhat true, makes people think relationships should be some perfect fantasy.

Reality is, real love takes a lot work to get there. You're going to have disagreements with your partner no matter what. What matters is if you both are willing to put in the effort to build something great.

Not to mention the outrageous standards both young men and women have for physical attractiveness (due to excess filters, and only the most attractive people being promoted online.)

The biggest lesson?

What comes easy, doesn't last. And what lasts, doesn't come easy.

True for almost everything.

Cole Hastings
3 months ago - 459 likes

Intention is one of the most powerful mental states you can commit to.

At the start of this year, I decided to set the intention to run a marathon in May.

And from that point onward, my whole world changed.

I started noticing way more running videos on my YouTube recommended feed.

Iā€™d look outside my apartment window and pay closer attention to all the runners that would pass by, what shoes they wore, and what their form looked like.

And I became obsessed with finding the perfect watch to record all my weekly runs.

Once you set the intention that ā€œI am going to be this type of personā€, or ā€œI am going to do this thingā€, the world will start showing you everything you need to help make that happen.

Thereā€™s nothing magical about it.

All of the things you need in order to do something or become someone already exist.

You just need to set the intention, and you will naturally gain the perspective with which to see those things.