At StoryHour we Connect Cultures through our Audiobooks-Shows-Illustrated books.
We launched our first audiobook, Ramayana : An Ancient Indian Epic in English in July 2016. It is based on the re-writing of this epic by London based school going teenage brothers – Shreyas Pulle and Ayur Pulle
In 2019, we have produced the translated version of this audiobook in Telugu, and Hindi.
Puppet Shows
In 2018, we started work on conveying this beautiful epic through some exquisitely handcrafted puppets, made in England!
Telugu Audiobook
Our latest audiobook is a collection of 12 short stories based on Telugu proverbs called Samethalu.
Each story is based on the experiences of grandparents that convey the meaning of the proverb/Sametha in just under 6 mins.