in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Popular English Acronyms For Texting 📲
1. LOL - 😂 Laugh Out Loud
2. BRB - 🏃♂️ Be Right Back
3. BAE - 💑 Before Anyone Else
4. FYI - ℹ️ For Your Information
5. IDK - 🤷♂️ I Don't Know
6. TTYL - 👋 Talk To You Later
7. OMG - 😱 Oh My God (or Gosh)
8. BTW - 🤔 By The Way
9. IMHO - 🤷♂️ In My Humble Opinion
10. ROFL - 🤣 Rolling On the Floor Laughing
11. SMH - 🤦♂️ Shaking My Head
12. TMI - 🙈 Too Much Information
13. IMY - ❤️ I Miss You
14. ASAP - ⏰ As Soon As Possible
15. ETA - 🕒 Estimated Time of Arrival
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Basic vs Advanced
1. I'm happy. - I'm overjoyed.
2. I'm scared. - I'm terrified.
3. I'm busy. - I'm swamped.
4. It's important. - It's crucial.
5. It's funny. - It's hilarious.
6. I'm bored. - I'm uninterested.
7. It's interesting. - It's fascinating.
8. I'm sorry. - I sincerely apologize.
9. It's small. - It's tiny.
10. It's big. - It's enormous.
11. It's beautiful. - It's stunning.
12. I'm worried. - I'm anxious.
13. It's necessary. - It's essential.
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Basic vs Advanced English
1. I'm happy. - I'm overjoyed.
2. I'm scared. - I'm terrified.
3. I'm busy. - I'm swamped.
4. It's important. - It's crucial.
5. It's funny. - It's hilarious.
6. I'm bored. - I'm uninterested.
7. It's interesting. - It's fascinating.
8. I'm sorry. - I sincerely apologize.
9. It's small. - It's tiny.
10. It's big. - It's enormous.
11. It's beautiful. - It's stunning.
12. I'm worried. - I'm anxious.
13. It's necessary. - It's essential.
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All Conjunctions with Hindi
1. And - और
2. But - लेकिन/पर
3. Or - या
4. Nor - न ही
5. For - क्योंकि
6. Yet - फिर भी
7. So - इसलिए
Subordinating Conjunctions
1. Because - क्योंकि
2. Although - हालांकि
3. Since - जब से
4. Unless - जब तक नहीं
5. If - अगर/यदि
6. Though - हालांकि
7. While - जबकि
8. After - के बाद
9. Before - से पहले
10. As - जैसा
11. Until - जब तक
12. When - जब
13. Whenever -जब भी
14. Whereas -जबकि
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vocabulary :
1. Sagacious - Wise
2. Perfidious - Disloyal
3. Obfuscate - Make unclear
4. Narcissism - Self-love
5. Meritorious - Deserving praise
6. Insidious - Sneaky
7. Heterogeneous - Diverse
8. Fastidious - Meticulous
9. Ennui - Feeling of listlessness
10. Abstruse - Difficult to understand
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Business Vocabulary 💼 vs Regular English ✅
1. Leverage 💪 - Utilize
2. Facilitate 🔄 - Assist
3. Mitigate 🚧 - Reduce
4. Delegate 🗂️ - Assign
5. Innovate 🚀 - Create
6. Optimize 📈 - Improve
7. Strategize 🧠 - Plan
8. Consolidate 🏗️ - Combine
9. Negotiate 🤝 - Discuss
10. Amplify 📣 - Increase
11. Disseminate 📤 - Spread
12. Expedite ⏩ - Hasten
13. Formulate 📝 - Develop
14. Augment 📊 - Enhance
15. Collaborate 🤝 - Work together
16. Benchmark 📏 - Standardize
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स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए आसान टिप्स 🧘♀️🍎
1. पानी पिएं - 8-10 गिलास पानी रोज़।
2. नियमित व्यायाम- रोज़ 30 मिनट।
3. संतुलित आहार- प्रोटीन, फाइबर, विटामिन ज़रूरी।
4. अच्छी नींद - 7-8 घंटे।
5. तनाव कम करें- मेडिटेशन करें।
6. ताजे फल-सब्जियाँ - विटामिन्स के लिए।
7. जंक फूड कम खाएँ - सेहत के लिए हानिकारक।
8. प्रगति ट्रैक करें - हेल्थ जर्नल में लिखें।
स्वस्थ रहिए, खुश रहिए!
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समय पर | On time (ऑन टाइम)
समय से पहले | Before time (बिफ़ोर टाइम)
सही समय | Right time (राइट टाइम)
घंटों तक| For hours (फॉर आवर्स)
सालों से | For years (फॉर इयर्स)
रात भर|Overnight (ओवरनाइट)
समय सीमा | Deadline (डेडलाइन)
जल्दी करना | Hurry up (हुरी अप)
देरी करना | Delay (डिले)
समय की कमी | Lack of time (लैक ऑफ टाइम) कुछ समय के लिए | For a while (फॉर अ वाइल)
अल्पकालिक | Short-term (शॉर्ट टर्म)
दीर्घकालिक | Long-term (लॉन्ग टर्म )
सही समय पर | At the right moment (एट द राइट मोमेंट)
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छुट्टे पैसे - Change (चेंज)
महंगा - Costly (कॉस्टली)
किफायती - Affordable (अफोर्डेबल)
मुनाफा - Profit (प्रॉफिट)
घाटा - Loss (लॉस)
बकाया - Balance (बैलेंस)
खरीद - Purchase (पर्चेस )
बिक्री - Sale (सेल)
लेन-देन - Transaction (ट्रांजैक्शन)
उत्पादन - Production ( प्रोडक्शन)
उपभोग - Consumption (कंसम्प्शन)
आर्थिक - Economic (इकोनॉमिक)
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Basic vs Advanced English:
1. You first - After you.
2. I don't understand - I don't get it.
3. I'm a bit busy - I'm a bit tied up.
4. Don't touch - Hands off.
5. See you soon - Catch you soon.
6. She's very jealous - She's green with envy.
7. I made a mistake - I screwed up.
8. Calm down - Pull yourself together.
9. I'll pay the bill - It's on me.
10. Think about it - Sleep on it.
11. Do it alone - Do it by yourself.
12. Move a bit - Scoot over.
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