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To desire nothing beyond what you have is surely happiness..

The early bird catches the breathtaking sunrise at the sea.....🙂 Cargo transferring. ...😯 Fresh water transfer ചെയ്യാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന pump (FRESH WATER CARGO PUMP) ഇത്തിരിയെ ഉള്ളേലും ലവൻ പുലിയാണ് ( fuel oil transfer pump)😂 Engine start ചെയ്യാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന air ഉണ്ടാക്കാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന machinery.. (Air compressor) കപ്പലിലെ central water heating system..... 🛳️ Cruise ships..... 🤍 Golden day's..... 🫶 D399 model, operating since 1980... I'm in love with the shape of you.....🤗 Propeller shaft overheated.... 😯 Towing a large ship..... Let the sea set you free….#ship #merchantvessel #merchantships #marine #offshore Every morning is a revolution against the darkness…..#ship #merchantvessel #merchantships #marine Marine story’s #ship #merchantvessel #merchantships #marine #offshore Marine story's #ship #merchantvessel #offshore #mariner How hard is it to become a seafarer...😒#ship #mariner #offshore #trending #marine Floating deck 😳 #ship #merchantvessel #mariner #trending #story Happiness comes in waves....🙂 #ship #merchantvessel #mariner #offshore What's there...? 🤨 #story #trending #ship #status Changing freshwater filters. ..🤗#ship #merchantvessel #mariner #seaferer #seaman Work tym..... #ship #merchantvessel #mariner #mariner #offshore #travel Transfer sadhanangal in the middle of the kadal using a crane😂 #merchantvessel #ship#mariner#travel ship galley...🍗🍟🥘🥘 #ship #merchantvessel #mariner #offshore #travel What is this...?🙄..... #ship #merchantvessel #mariner #merchantships #travel V Harmony #ship #mariner #seaferer #sailing #navy #sealife #marinelife #navy #shiplife #mariner #merchantvessel #travel #seaferer #trending bridge. .💛 #ship #mariner #seaferer #travel #trending Sign off day🍻 #mariner #ship #sailing ##trending Even if the crane doesn't work...we will transfer the goods🤣#mariner#ship #sailing#seaferer#travel Rough weather 😯 To shore 🥰 #marine #ship #trending #merchantmarine #ocean The visual beauty of KERALA 💚 #trending #kerala #entekeralam #alappuzha #kuttanad Having a whale of a tym😌 #ship #trending #story #ocean A small tug boat is towing a large ship😳 #marine #ship #mariner #travel #ocean #trending വലിയ കപ്പൽ titanic ആണോ അതോ ms harmony ആണോ 🙄 part 1 Oil tanker loading fuel 😳#marine #seaferer #ship #mariner #vessel #ocean #merchantvessel Entry like a kutty shark😂 #marine #seaferer #ship #mariner #travel #vessel #ocean #merchantvessel Let the sea set you free…🤍#mariner #trending #ship As a seafarer our mrng start like this..🙃#marine #travel #ocean #merchantvessel #ship Tugboats always have exciting jobs to do.🫡 #marine #seaferer #seaferer #ship #mariner Is the ship leaking..?😵 #marine #seaferer #ship #mariner #travel #vessel #ocean #merchantvessel Tug boat😳 #marine #seaferer #ship #mariner #travel #vessel #ocean #merchantvessel Gloomy weather....cozy vibes🙃 #marine #seaferer #seaferer #ship #mariner #travel #vessel #ocean Heavy rain at sea.... 🙄 #marine #seaferer #ship #mariner #travel The pilot boat approached the ship in bad weather.😧 #ship #marine #seaferer #travel Marine story... #ship #marine #seaferer #merchantnavy #travel In the middle of the sea... #travel #marine #seaferer