Hi this is jay Ela and Sylvia! We’re doing these vlogs as a fund raiser for MND Association and Children’s Charity. I am enduring with MND (Special Muscular Atrophy). My vlogs are to motivate people like me, To live a happy and positive life on our own and to self made. Funds through YouTube go to MND Association and Children’s charity. The sole purpose of these vlogs are to share my knowledge and experience as to how we can exist with support systems, technology, Medical support, social support and most importantly with the support of family and friends.
My vlogs are to inspire people who are differently-abled to encourage them to do what they desire in life and to travel around the world with well equipped support system.
My travel vlogs around Uk and Europe were shot a couple of years back, now my health is progressing. When my health permits I shoot my vlogs with my wife. Sylvia is the back of my life.
All superheroes are differently-abled