I am a Christian...not because of what man has told me...but because through the years I've had dreams and visions. Jesus kept coming to me and show me things. I didn't realize until later that all the dream and visions were actually a Bible verse..."Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. He shown me these things...one by one..and just recently I realized that Jesus was telling me He is the WORD OF GOD. He is the only way to salvation and He died so I could live. He is risen from the dead and because He lives I can face tomorrow. He has told me to declare that HE is the Word of God so that I am doing. I did not come up on this on my own...for I did not at first understand what I was witnessing until it was all complete....and then I realized it was Scripture. It was Jesus Himself who came to me. He loves you..repent and turn to Him for salvation for He is the only way! God loves you!