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9.65K subscribers - no pronouns set

I am doing this because i want you guys to get more out of t

2 months ago - 1 likes

Finaly done, enjoy

6 months ago - 1 likes

You may be gone from this world, but as long i can remember you'll have a place in my heart.

6 months ago - 22 likes

Just a little update on my recent abscence...
You guessed it, "life happened" in this instance cancer. Nope i am fine no worries, but someone very dear to me is suffering and because of reasons has to be treated alternatively...
Let's just say i am very busy right now for we are fighting daily. and thus i am sorry i was not in the mood for "funny" videos.
since you are concerned well my starting winter depression is back thisyear a bit stronger because one week it was sunshine and flowers and the next week it was all doom and gloom so yeah "not in the mood" hits the nail precisely on the head.
BuuUUUuuuT i have something in the making, and plans.
Drakken is getting one of the biggest expansions in the next video.
And i am also going to livestream a new space haven playthrough when alpha 18 hits.

So just as a headsup as usual i can't tell yet and it's done when it is finished. looking forward to the christmas season though... i really need a time out to recover energy.

Anyway i hope you are doing well and thanks for reading and staying touch.


9 months ago - 1 likes

Ok this baby took a while but here it comes, saturday 7pm CET
be there or be square, looking forward to chat with you guys.

9 months ago - 12 likes

If you are waiting for the next video, it is coming.
The thing is, it is again dealing with a lot of "complex" stuff and i recieved a lot of comments on the last one stating "ok this is great but difficult to disgest" so i don't want to make that mistake again.
Then the actual video right now is based on the 5th itteration of the script because getting a train of thought into it that flows has ben prooven rather difficult. Because i have to constantly switch back and fourth between topics and thus was looking a long time for a way to present it in an order that not only makes sense but also limits the switching to a minimum. Let's just say the "how to get it all together in a way so people can connect the dots" was rather challenging. Ofc you will not notice any of that in the final "product" but yeah that is the stuff that in this case took ages to figure out. You know the saying do a thing twice and it will be better the second time? yeah iteration 5 is where i am at, so go figure.
I decided to definitely premiere it so watch out for it - soon (tm)

11 months ago - 7 likes

Hello peeps, i am in need for some a,b,c,d testing. Which of these would you click on most likely?

The title is: Traffic, What Pros Know and You probably Don't | Cities Skylines

Description starts with smth. like:
Which are the effective rules how traffic operates and how do they affect micro, midcro and macro logistics?

11 months ago - 16 likes

Hi guys,

maybe you remember me recently asking about what to do for the 10k subsciber special.
I reeaaallllyyy love the idea of doing a live stream showing the city while being able to react to the chat and maybe even have a few co-hosts to talk to them and giving you a tour.
The thing is though as of right now my actual machine can either run the game, at about 15% of normal game speed and thus creating tons of footage when recording which then i need to speed up in the editing... OR it can run a browser.
To put it in another way, my machine is not able to run the game without creating a 6Gb swapfile.
I am saving up for a new computer for a while now but as it looks like, i am going to hit that 10k mark faster than i am able to put money aside for my youtube hobby. I know, 10k subs, some of you consider a big channel but monetarily, it is still more like pocket money.
I would be super happy if i could turn this channel into a living and such but right now i still got to work to cover the bills.
So in essence, if you are also dreaming of this kind of 10k sub party then on my channel page is a link to my ko-fi, using it with any amount would help to speed up the process. Ko-fi is cool for only paypal takes it's share so pretty much i get most of the donated money. In return, the new machine would allow me to live stream more often ,if you guys are into me uncut stuttering and want to hear more ermmms and ummmms than in my fully edited videos ;D
The thing is Drakken is far from being complete yet, i got a few more things planned and one of them is going to blow you minds i promise, because nobody did this before.

So yeah - Thanks for reading, your support and the awesome journey.

11 months ago - 1 likes

I made you guys a little video regarding my graphic settings, because peeps asked for it. Should work on all other potatoes like mine... and if you want to play the same map…

11 months ago - 7 likes

As we are creeping up to the 10k subscriber mark i was wondering if you guys have good ideas you'd like to see from me, if so make a comment. Then i will take the comments and run a poll, eventually if two or more good topics come up i might squezze all of these into the video. So you ever had a psecific question regarding a topic that i didn't cover or just covered loosely or eventually something you are interested in my person, this is your chance to get me talk about it. Does not even need to be cities skylines related but i am going to pick the topics which will end up in the poll. and please give this post a like so it can spread to more people.