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Crystal Clear Hope

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Crystal Clear Hope
3 weeks ago - 1 likes

🌟 Celebrating Juneteenth! 🌟 Today, we commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans and reflect on the resilience and triumph of the human spirit. Juneteenth is a powerful reminder of our journey towards justice, equality, and freedom for all.

As we embrace this day, let's remember the importance of unity and support for one another. In Christ, we find the ultimate example of love and freedom. Let's use this opportunity to amplify Black voices, learn from history, and continue our pursuit of a more just and equitable world.

Wishing everyone a meaningful Juneteenth! 🎉✊🏽 #Juneteenth #Freedom #Equality #Unity

Crystal Clear Hope
3 months ago - 2 likes

It is important to spend time with God daily. Devotionals are great resources, but nothing beats God's Word and reading His Word. Be intentional this week with reading God's Word everyday. Here are daily verses to get you started for the first week. Allow God's Word to change you from the inside out.

Crystal Clear Hope
3 months ago - 1 likes

Many of you are in storms right now, but in the midst of your hell and your turmoil, focus on the fact that God will bring you out. Be blessed

Crystal Clear Hope
1 year ago - 2 likes

This is a post that no mother ever wants to write... but my baby is gone. I'm heartbroken, and I have no words. Gavyn Mikael Green, you were the GREATEST son any mom could ask for, and my GREATEST accomplishment in life and will always be. You fought hard, and as long as you could, but depression is real.

I promise to love Caleb EVERYDAY and NEVER let him forget you. I thank God that you were saved, so I know this no goodbye but until we meet again.

I will give you a more eloquent send-off later when I can gather my thoughts, but I had to say something now.

I love you, son, and mommie is still proud of you no matter what. Until we meet again.

God, I can't do this without so please give me strength as I morne the death of my only child. I know you will never put more on me than I can bear, but I can't do it without you. Thank you for choosing me to be his mom. Thank you for the 25 years you gave me. As much is it hurts right now, I thank you for sending your son to die for us and give us the gift of salvation. I thank you that I will see him again. Help me, PLEASE Lord, in Jesus' name Amen!

Reposted @atl.g__ Initially I removed this post but I’m putting it back. Below are his last words, his last post, he deserves to heard.

hi friends and family if you’re reading this, it means I am already dead throughout my entire life. I have struggled with mental health. I have fight, depression, and I have lost. I want everyone to learn a lesson for my death. Mental health is not something that ends because a person has a good day. You cannot treat someone good in one moment and then expect for them to be cured of depression instead depression is an ongoing battle. It’s a fight that we fight every single day to just check in every once in a while and ask if someone is OK it’s not enough I don’t blame any of my friends or family for my suicide I think I put up a good fight but I am tired and I have decided that I cannot continue to suffer here to make other people happy that I’m simply alive. I can no longer put other people ahead of what I need when I am gone, I hope that no one shares any tears instead I hope that everyone wants my s smiles at my memory. I lost this flight, but it doesn’t mean that I am not at peace. I am so sorry that I could not be a better friend a better family member, a better father, a better son and a better partner to my girlfriend. I am so sorry that I have fell short of you all expectations. I hope that one day you all can understand my parting message I want people who to treat each other with love and respect because you never know how much pain a person has to carry on their shoulders

“when I’m gone just carry-on don’t mourn rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice just know that I’m looking down on you smiling and I can’t feel a thing, so please don’t feel a thing just smile back.”

If you or someone you love or having suicidal thoughts please reach out to the suicide prevention line at 988

Gavyn leaves behind the three-year-old son so if you would like to donate to Gavyn's funeral or trust fund, you can do it via GoFundMe

Crystal Clear Hope
1 year ago - 0 likes

There are times in life when we will be afraid of what is ahead and perhaps even the unknown. However, with God, there is nothing to fear, and when you are able to hold on to that and really receive that, you will start stressing less.

Crystal Clear Hope
1 year ago - 0 likes

Due to family issues, there will be no Set Free Sundays this week. Be sure to tune in next Sunday for the next episode.