Welcome to Joisays Healing 22!
Personal Guidance:
Khalilahjoisays22@gmail.com or Text 734.507.9562: name & w/ date of birth
“This is a collective message! It may or may not resonate. Take what resonated and leave the rest behind. God blessed us all with discernment. I’m not a fortune teller . I’m prophetic energy reader . Energy changes and so does people. Trust your inner knowing “
1. These messages are to be used for entertainment purposes only. You are empowered by your own choices.
2. Faith lays itself open to the power of God. You have all the power within you already, but everyone can used some therapy, guidance , or consulting. We are here to learn and love each other.
4. Don’t get stuck into the accuracy of the secret information you gain. Your God is the author and creator of the universe is working it out for your greater good.