HAPI Inc., spearheads a social movement that produced films such as “NUBIA – The Untold Story,” “The Tekhen – Uncovering the Influence of Ancient Egypt,” and the award-winning documentary HAPI. The HAPI film offers an overview of economic history from the dawn of civilization to today, highlighting the interrelationship between Government, Economics, Politics, and Culture. Economics plays a crucial role in the development of any society.
The film promotes economic empowerment through literacy and serves as a foundational element for the HAPI Movement. More than just a film, HAPI is a movement of economic literacy. Through films and educational tools, the HAPI Movement aims to inspire, educate, and uplift marginalized communities, executing ideas for Economic Empowerment. Since 1999 HAPI’s tourism affiliate has provides dynamic experiences with organized expeditions to Africa, Europe and South America.