廣場舞因多在廣場聚集而得名,融自娛性與表演性為一體,以集體舞為主要表演形式,以健身為主要目的。Square dance gets its name because it gathers in squares. It integrates self-entertainment and performance. It takes collective dance as the main form of performance and fitness as the main purpose.
廣場舞是居民自發地以健身為目的在廣場等開敞空間上進行的富有韻律的舞蹈,通常伴有高分貝、節奏感強的音樂伴奏。參與者以大媽居多。Square dance is a rhythmic dance performed spontaneously by residents in open spaces such as squares for the purpose of fitness, usually accompanied by high-decibel and strong rhythm music accompaniment. Most of the participants were aunts.
廣場舞是非專業舞者創造的舞蹈,是普通人的舞蹈,因為地域、群體的不同所以舞蹈形式也不同。幾十年來,廣場舞不斷發展,已經成為了特色的民間藝術。Square dance is a dance created by non-professional dancers. It is the dance of ordinary people. Because of different regions and groups, the dance forms are also different. For decades, square dance has developed continuously and has become a characteristic folk art.
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