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Backup account: Meta527iii, in case I lose this account. My

1 day ago - 6 likes

I think I finally have the Camtasia issue sorted out! I was finally able to download it, and now I think I have my life back!

1 day ago - 5 likes

Okay, so here are the system requirements, but how is anyone supposed to know what ANY OF THESE STUPID THINGS ARE?

1 day ago - 6 likes

I'm INFURIATED right now! I've looked up COUNTLESS videos on how to download Camtasia, and it still won't let me! I can't find a single video saying how to stop my computer from blocking me from downloading Camtasia! All I'm finding are these stupid videos called "How to open Camtasia when it won't open" or stupid stuff like that! I'm looking for a video that will ACTUALLY ANSWER MY QUESTION! Someone PLEASE HELP ME! And I don't want you to just type "I'm sorry that's happening". I don't need your sympathy. I need your HELP. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just in a really, really bad mood right now.

3 days ago - 7 likes

Well, now I have another problem. I’m trying to re-download Camtasia, but it’s not working. It’s giving me a message that says

Error Code: (1618)
The Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package install falled. Please download and Install the latest supported x64 package.
After the package install, start the Camtasia installation again.

I even tried installing the package that it’s asking me to download, but when I try that, it gives me THIS message.

I Microsoft Visual C+ + 2015-2022 Redistributable (×64) - 14
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022
Redistributable (x64) - 14.40.33810
Setup Failed
One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Hiease fix the issues and then retry setup.
For more information see the loctile.
0x80070652 - Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with the install.

Problem is that I already closed out of all of those installations. So do you have any advice of what I could do?

3 days ago - 17 likes

I finally got my computer back! And all of my data is indeed successfully recovered! I am so happy right now!

6 days ago - 6 likes

I finally beat FF7 Rebirth! And gotta say, it was an improvement over Remake. Though I still want to say that the final boss is quite possibly one of the worst final bosses I’ve ever faced!

1 week ago - 15 likes

I just learned that the guy we had look at my computer succeeded at recovering all of my files. I am so relieved now! I thought I might have to be miserable, but it looks like I won’t have to worry about that!

1 week ago - 15 likes

Just saw the new Garfield movie, and it looks like I’ve found myself yet another movie to add to the ever-growing pile of guilty pleasures.

2 weeks ago - 8 likes

Good news, everyone! I just checked again and it looks like my computer is doing much better now! Guess things weren’t completely bleak after all! However, I’m still going to have it taken in so we can upload my files to the cloud just in case something like this really DOES happen.

2 weeks ago - 6 likes

I contacted my parents and told them about the situation, and they believe they know someone who can help me. So hopefully this person is able to help me recover all of my files.