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Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary

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"Our mission is to improve the lives of domestic foxes. To e

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
1 day ago - 508 likes

Goodmorning Meena fox!
The foxes in the coop squad have been doing wonderfully since their vet checkup. They are all flea and parasite free, and their coats already seem to be visually improving, they have all gained a little healthy weight, Jareth and Freya are on their last day of antibiotics, and all 4 have just 3 days left of their medication for their coccidiosis.

These 4 foxes were not planned and were taken in on an emergency situation basis, and we have spent an abnormal about of funds this month on their enclosure and basic needs, as well as medical and routine vet care for them and several of our other foxes.

We are so thankful that we have had so many wonderful supporters make donations, leave comments, and spread the word about our mission and needs. I hope all of you know none of what we do would be possible without all of you.

Our funds are still lower than we would like them to be right now, and we are working hard to rebuild a comfortable cushion amount of funds in our bank account now.

Please consider making a donation today, even if it’s only a few dollars. If you cannot donate or already have please leave a comment and share our post with others!

Visit our website to learn more about how you can help:

#clevyrMeena is sponsored by Krista H.
#clevyrfoxes #fox #foxy #amberfox #foxes #petfox

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
1 day ago - 440 likes

Peekaboo Lux! We love you!

Do you want to hang out with the Clevyr foxes?!
As many of you already know, we’re currently working on a goal to expand our sanctuary, but with this expansion we will also become qualified to host tours and events at our sanctuary so you can meet the Clevyr foxes!

The first phase of our expansion mission is to add a perimeter fence around our sanctuary. This perimeter fence is required for us to get our USDA license to exhibit, which is what we need in place to allow all of our wonderful supporters to come visit us! This perimeter fence will cost us $20,500 to complete! We have raised $10,700 so far.

We need all of you to work together to help us gather these funds, so that we can open our doors to visitors!

You can help out by donating, purchasing items from our shop, and engaging with our social media!

If you cannot donate or already have, you can also help by liking our posts, leaving comments, and watching our videos! We get PAID when you engage with our content! The interactions are like micro donations, and they really add up!

See our donation options here:

#clevyrHallux is sponsored by Cameron W.
#clevyrfoxes #fox #foxes #amberfox #petfox

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
1 day ago - 555 likes

Onyx and Hallux are the best of friends, and love to dig together. As soon as Luxs issues with his toes are resolved and they are healed he will be moving outdoors and joining Onyx full time! It’s a bitter sweet moment for me, I love having Lux indoors and spending so much time with him, but I know he will be happier and more enriched living outdoors with the other foxes for companionship.

#clevyrOnyx is sponsored by the Wings
#clevyrHallux is sponsored by Cameron W.

#clevyrfoxes #fox #foxes #amberfox #crossfox #foxy

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
2 days ago - 386 likes

Peekaboo Maple Fox!
Did you know that like dogs and other canids, foxes only have sweat glands in their footpads, which is not enough for rapid heat dissipation. So in order to reduce their body temperature quickly, they have to pant instead. They also pant to express excitement and stress, so it’s important to pay attention to other signals your pet is giving you to determine the cause.

#clevyrMaple is sponsored by Makenna M.
#clevyrfoxes #crossfox #fox #foxy #redfox #petfox

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
3 days ago - 527 likes

On today’s episode of “canid or creature” we have Swiper! So what do you say folks? Is Swiper a fox or some deep sea creature from the abyss?

#clevyrswiper is sponsored by Theresa M.
#clevyrfoxes #canidorcreature #fox #foxes #cinnamonfox #foxy

Want to help support the Clevyr foxes? Visit our website below to learn more! (Link in bio)

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
3 days ago - 652 likes

Or resident cryptid, Kestryl is popping in today with some helpful advice regarding wild foxes! Often we are asked: “What do I feed a wild fox?”
The best answer for this questions, is don’t feed them. This applies to all wildlife.

Whenever we feed wildlife two things happen, the animals stops hunting, and they lose their fear of humans. While befriending a wild fox may seem like a great idea, it usually ends very badly for the animal. There is a common saying among wildlife rehabbers, “a fed fox is a dead fox”.

While it may sound harsh, the reason this is said is because what will eventually happen is the fox will lose its natural fear of people. When wild animals become to accustomed to people, they become a bite risk, and are often captured and euthanized.

Another possibility is the fox will approach someone who is not friendly and they will harm them. Wildlife being afraid of humans keeps them alive.

Feeding foxes also artificially increases the resources available to them. When a fox is hungry they will travel to find more reliable food sources.
If we feed them, nature tells them there is enough food, and they will stay and breed, increasing the fox population, when the habitat already cannot support it. Perpetuating the “need” for human intervention.
If you’re lucky enough to have a fox or a fox family sharing your space with you, the best thing to do is stay back, and watch from a distance. Enjoy their presence without interfering.

Rather than feeding wildlife directly, by leaving out food, PLANT native edible plants. Native is the key word here. We don’t want to cause more harm to the environment by introducing more non-native plants.

Native fruits, nuts, and berries will not only be consumed by the foxes themselves but it will also attract rodents and other small wildlife. Naturally, this will create a little ecosystem and food web in your own yard.

By providing wild areas with abundant natural food sources you are helping to supplement the foxes (and other animals) diets without causing them harm.

#clevyrkestryl is sponsored by Cheri K.
#clevyrfoxes #fox #foxes #petfox #pearlfox #cryptid

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
3 days ago - 611 likes

Feliks says: Got any snacks??
Do you want to hang out with the Clevyr foxes?!
As many of you already know, we’re currently working on a goal to expand our sanctuary, but with this expansion we will also become qualified to host tours and events at our sanctuary so you can meet the Clevyr foxes!

The first phase of our expansion mission is to add a perimeter fence around our sanctuary. This perimeter fence is required for us to get our USDA license to exhibit, which is what we need in place to allow all of our wonderful supporters to come visit us! This perimeter fence will cost us $20,500 to complete! We have raised $10,700 so far.

We need all of you to work together to help us gather these funds, so that we can open our doors to visitors!

You can help out by donating, purchasing items from our shop, and engaging with our social media!

If you cannot donate or already have, you can also help by liking our posts, leaving comments, and watching our videos! We get PAID when you engage with our content! The interactions are like micro donations, and they really add up!

See our donation options here:

#clevyrfeliks is sponsored by Tari L.
#clevyrfoxes #silverfox #fox #rescue

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
4 days ago - 592 likes

Whew! 6 hours later our foxes all have clean and sanitized enclosures and are enjoying some chicken legs as an offering for the disturbance today!

We are often asked how others can start a sanctuary like ours and what steps we took to achieve what we have.

This is one of the most difficult questions to answer, but I’ll do my best.

First and foremost if you want to start an animal rescue of any kind, you need to have actual hands on experience with that species first. You cannot go in blind and start a fox rescue when you’ve never even met a fox, much less owner one or cared for one yourself.

To get experience I suggest volunteering for local rescues or even rehabbers. If volunteering isn’t an option, you should do thorough research and then adopt a pet fox, and care for that fox at least 2 years before even considering taking in more.

Next you need to be ensure you have the time and the funding to care for animals in a rescue situation. Even if you become a charity, funding doesn’t appear out of thin air. Getting donors and grants is hard work. Building a social media platform is one of the most lucrative ways to fundraise and advertise for your efforts, but it’s not easy! It’s takes dedication.

Providing a proper facility, food, enrichment, and vet care for any species of animal is extremely expensive and you need to be sure you’re going to have the funds available to pull off the endeavor.

Often when rescues first start they are fully funded by the founder themselves.

Having the time to dedicate your life to an animal rescue is a huge commitment as well! Running a rescue is a full time job, and you’ll likely still need to have an income source for yourself as well! Finding dedicated volunteers can be difficult, and you need to be able to have time to provide all the necessary care for the animals at your facility.

It boils down to three major things to start a rescue.

If you can get those nailed down, then you’re on the right track! Many people think that starting an animal rescue is a career choice, but often it’s not, it’s a life style choice.

#clevyrhallux is sponsored by Cameron W.
#clevyrfoxes #rescue #fox

Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
4 days ago - 144 likes

It’s deep cleaning day here at Clevyr today!
Did you know that we spot clean our enclosures daily and deep clean our enclosures once a week, which takes about 5-6 hours? It takes about half an hour per enclosure to get them fully cleaned and disinfected.

Caring for all the foxes is a dirty job to say the least!

No one on the Clevyr team is currently paid, we are all volunteers, and all the onsite daily care is primarily handled by me (Reanna) alone at this time, but we will be accepting volunteers very soon! Keep an eye out for more info locals!


Clevyr Creatures Fox Sanctuary
5 days ago - 514 likes

Artemys has heard a lot of pet owners are struggling with fleas and other parasites recently!

We want to recommend everyone to check out @petbucket they are a Canada based pet pharmacy that sells parasite prevention medications at an extremely discounted rate and without a prescription.

We use them exclusively for our parasite prevention needs here at Clevyr, and it saves us hundreds of dollars a month. The only catch? They take a couple weeks to arrive since they are shipping from so far.

Shop with Pet bucket for your pet and use the code below to save an additional 12% on your order and they will donate $10 to the Clevyr foxes too!

CODE: PBK13335140

Shop here: (link in story)

We personally use Simparica Trio for dogs, for our foxes which covers fleas, ticks, heartworm, and several kinds of intestinal parasites!