Each day we dwell into important affairs here in BaikalNature. We help people to meet nature.
Despite the word Baikal in our name, we are a tour operator specializing in the whole Russian nature. We organize trips to Altai, Kamchatka, Karelia, Sakhalin, Caucasus, Chukotka, Yakutia, Nenets Autonomus Okrug, Kola Peninsula, Arctic. These nature reserves are millions years old. Meeting them people meet with themselves.
But the Lake Baikal still remains a symbol for us.
The symbol of the most. Everything is the most eye-catching, the most mysterious, the most ancient, the most surprising, the most exuberant here. And this is the feeling we try imbue every trip with. For it is here, in the midst of Lake Baikal, where our ten-year-old story began.