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Tom's Hobby Adventures

1.12K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hi I am Tom. A life long table top wargamer and hobbyist. I

Tom's Hobby Adventures
3 days ago - 9 likes

Hi guys! Since I was so fortunate to hit 1000 subscribers last week, I am taking the opportunity to as for your guys' feedback on what some of my next videos should focus on!

I also made a video to go along with this poll, feel free to comment your suggestions or feedback on that if you want :)

(I had to group things in to categories since Youtube only allows 5 options)

Tom's Hobby Adventures
2 weeks ago - 18 likes

A few days ago I filmed the first battle report for the channel with a buddy of mine. We have already committed to doing more.

The editing will take a while, but I am getting started on it 😊

Tom's Hobby Adventures
1 month ago - 22 likes

Just wanted to say thanks for all the encouraging words and positivity on the last handful of videos.

Nine hundrede people have individually chosen that they like what they see and subscribed to see more, that is very cool and humbling to me. But also motivating!

I hope that I can keep it interesting and entertaining in the future 😊

All the positivity about the latest World Eaters video has me motivated to finishs these two squads, despite the amount of trim 😆

I hope you guys are motivated and enjoying your hobbies out there too!

- Tom

Tom's Hobby Adventures
8 months ago - 3 likes

Even with blurry and infrequent videos (hopefully I will have both under control after this coming video - sorry!) I still managed to reach 500 subscribers without ever begging anyone to like, comment or subscribe - and that means a lot to me! 🥳

I am behind schedule for my current challenge but I am sitting here determined and motivated to finish as much as I can.

Right now I am doing my last set of conversion work for the month 🤓

Tom's Hobby Adventures
1 year ago - 4 likes

I was supposed to do some more editing to get some videos pushed out, buuuut... after having stripped this guy and re-primed him I cannot resist putting some paint on him tonight 🥳

Tom's Hobby Adventures
1 year ago - 12 likes

Just reached 400 subscribers! That was very unexpected - but a great way to start the weekend.

This is where I will be celebrating that milestone with a beer and some kit bashing 😊

I am working on a video series where I convert my 40k army to 30k. It will feature loads of kit bashing!

First episode will likely be out next week, I just have to finish some other edits first and get them off of my back!

Enjoy your weekend, and hope you get some models painted too!

Tom's Hobby Adventures
1 year ago - 17 likes

Whaaat! I fully expected to get maybe tops 5 new subscribers off of my new videos. So far almost 70 of you guys have chosen to subscribe to my channel in less than a day! 😲🤯

I am sitting at a friends place painting some Heresy models. I am super motivated to get back to my PC and finish up some more videos. I may deviate a tiny bit from my plan and put out a quick tip tomorrow just because 😄

Thanks again!