Learning is SO FUN and as the saying goes "if you stop learning then you start dying". So, let's continue learning my friends.
In this channel, I occasionally upload video of real task demonstration in software application development created in C#, .NET Framework, .NET Core , .NET 6.0 , WEB API, .NET 7 MINIMAL API, ANGULAR 15, NODE JS, TYPESCRIPT, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP.
I am a Seasoned, forward-looking Senior ApplicationDeveloper with 19+ years in creating and executing innovative software solutions to enhance business productivity and with 6+ years in leading a development team. Highly experienced in all aspects of the software development lifecycle and excellent reputation for resolving problems and improving customer satisfaction.
My VISION is rooted in my great hope that everyone I work with will fully realize their greatest potential in life – spiritually, emotionally, physically, and materially now.