This is a Messianic Ministry that, regardless of recipients' support, gives True Gold completely free of cost in the form of in-depth Theological video-teachings n 90-second reels [on Instagram] on several topics n passages from the Bible.
Thru Lord’s direction n help, our Ministry is a one-stop solution for every single Biblical topic that we teach.
Our Ministry [online n offline] contains two main verticals:
• Presenting the Mashiach to the Jewish Brethren
Our calling n mission is to present the Messiah from the Tanakh to the numerous unbelieving Jewish brothers n sisters, n lead them to search n delve into the Tanakh to recognize their own Messiah.
• Discipleship
Intensive Theological teaching on every topic that is taught, as this is a crucial n mandatory prerequisite for a Ministry that is into Discipleship.
Prayerfully support the Ministry.
This is a micro-summary; for substantial information regarding the Ministry, plz visit