You are Not Alone
Help and support the project: Sberbank p/s: 40817810438122949118
Orthodox content directed and socially oriented to support and help people in desperation due to difficult life situations. The purpose and tasks of the program are to tell all lost and anxious people that there is salvation and a way. Everything is able to endure and pass a person if he is with God. The program will not sound invented, but real stories of people who have saved or corrected their life path thanks to the miracles and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. The program will have different headings, author's Christian music will sound in modern musical directions and many others. But the main message of the program, so that everyone understands and feels - "You are not alone, God is with you!" Join, We really need any professional help in organizing and implementing the filming process, all professional industries for creating video and audio process content and its graphic design.
Save the Lord