**Garage Lock** Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« podcast pĂ«r kĂ«do qĂ« Ă«shtĂ« pasionant pĂ«r bisedat qĂ« shkojnĂ« pĂ«rtej muzikĂ«s. Drejtuar nga Eugent Bushpepa dhe Renis Gjoka, çdo episod sjell intervista dhe diskutime tĂ« thella mbi tema tĂ« ndryshme â nga politika, kultura, dhe jeta e pĂ«rditshme, te ndikimi qĂ« muzika dhe arti kanĂ« nĂ« shoqĂ«ri. Me "Garage Lock" do tĂ« gjeni perspektiva tĂ« reja dhe histori frymĂ«zuese, duke eksploruar tema qĂ« pasqyrojnĂ« realitetin dinamik tĂ« jetĂ«s shqiptare.
**Garage Lock** is a podcast for anyone passionate about conversations beyond music. Hosted by Eugent Bushpepa and Renis Gjoka, each episode features deep interviews and discussions on diverse topicsâfrom politics, culture, and everyday life to the impact of music and art on society. With "Garage Lock", you'll discover new perspectives and inspiring stories, exploring themes that reflect the dynamic reality of Albanian life.