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Is your country mentioned in Spongebob? #дафи #азерончик #europe #geography #mapping #history #map Does your country recognize the genocide of Ukrainians? #дафи #europe #азерончик #mapper #counrty Did G!tler visit your country? #дафи #europe #маппинг #map #mapping #beats #counrty #history #cute Israel or Lebanon? #дафи #азерончик #mapper #europe #map #geography #contry #маппинг #mapping #мапа How difficult is math in your country? #дафи #europe #mapper #map #contry #geography #history Are shops open on Sundays in your country? #дафи #europe #mapper #map #contry #geography #counrty Is your country horizontal or vertical? #дафи #geography #history #europe #map #mapping #flag #мапа Is your country bigger than Texas?(695 662 км²) #дафи #mapper #map #contry #history #geography #мапа РОV: Switzerland joined NATO #дафи #europe #geography #contry #history #маппинг #switzerland #nato Is your country's flag mentioned in squid game 2? #map #mapper #дафи #contry #geography #маппинг #ыы Is your country's population larger than the number of prisoners in the USA? #map #дафи #ыы #mapper All separatists achieved success (not my map) #mapper #map #europe #mapping #дафи #coutry #countrys Is there Dodo Pizza in your country? #дафи #map #mapper #europe #маппинг #history #historicalmaps What % of women leave the house wearing headscarves? #дафи #history #mapper #маппинг #europe #maping Territories where polar bears live in Russia #дафи #europe #mapper #history #маппинг #geography #map Magnit or Pyaterochka (Russian stores) #дафи #europe #mapper #history #маппинг #maping #geography The most common blood group #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #countryballs #maping #mapology What is the name of wisdom tooth in your country? #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #маппинг In which month was the lowest temperature recorded? #дафи #history #mapper #europe #countryballs Instagram usage in Europe @EternalKomi @Biysk-Mapper1029 @FelviMapping #дафи #history #mapper POV: Switzerland became an empire #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #countryballs #maping Alternative Europe 2 #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #countryballs #maping #mapping #map POV:Italy has taken over its neighbors X5 #geography #map #europe #дафи #mapping #mapper #history ❌️Роскомнадзор zапретил букву (SPEED UP)🔥 #дафи #роскомнадзор Alternative Europe 1 #дафи #mapper #europe #countryballs #маппинг #history #maping #mapping #mapp Alternative Europe #дафи #europe #mapper #countryballs #маппинг #history #mapping #maping #mapp #map POV: The USSR collapsed in 1991 #дафи #countryballs #mapper #europe #маппинг #history #maping #mapp All territories that Russia owned #дафи #countryballs #mapper #europe #маппинг #history #maping #m Mine and @FelviMapping attitude towards north american countries #дафи #countryballs #mapper #euro РОV:Poland is missing in 2024 #дафи #countryballs #mapper #europe #маппинг #map #history #geography 🥞Pancake Australia🇦🇺 #дафи #европ #europe #history #map #countryballs #mapper #маппинг #maping #mapp USA or Russia? @ranchmapper #дафи #europe #map #geography #mapping #history #mapp #maping #маппинг 🇪🇺"the friendliest continent?"🕊#дафи #countryballs #mapper #history #маппинг #europe #maping #mapp Would you live in such a Europe?🇪🇺 #дафи #countryballs #mapper #history #маппинг #europe #maping #ma The Bulgarian kingdom has returned #дафи #европ #europe #history #map #mapper #countryballs #маппинг Austria has captured its neighbors #дафи #history #mapper #countryballs #маппинг #europe #maping 😇All territories ever occupied by these countries☠️ #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #history Empires #phonk #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #geography #maping #map #mapp #memes POV: Estonia has captured Latvia #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #geography #maping #map Czech or Slovakia #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #geography #maping #mapp #memes #map #мапа @Pro_Ki_Mapping🤡 #дафи #history #mapper #europe #маппинг #geography #mapp #map #phonk #memes 🇹🇻Not everyone will understand☠️ #brooklynbloopop #tuvalu #дафи #капкут #history #mapper #maping 7 countries WW2 #дафи #europe #mapper #history #mapology #historicalmaps #geography #memes Which country has the correct border? #дафи #europe #mapper #history #маппинг #maping #geography Namibia🇳🇦🗿 #дафи #europe #mapper #history #маппинг #geography #mapology #historicalmaps #memes #сбер POV: The Russian Empire is back ‎@Ust-Vymsky_Mapper #дафи #europe #mapper #maping #history #маппинг #ы Tea consumption in Europe (in kilograms) @PentronMappingbackup #дафи #mapper #europe #maping #map POV: Serbia has seized Northern Macedonia #дафи #map #маппинг #europe #mapper #geography #география