The Tale Keepers is your one-stop destination for everything storytelling. Our YouTube channel is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich oral storytelling tradition. We bring you captivating stories, myths, and legends from around the world. From traditional folktales to contemporary narratives, we provide a diverse range of storytelling content that is sure to entertain, educate, and inspire. Our channel contains a wide range of content, including traditional folktales, contemporary short stories, and storytelling videos for kids and families. The Tale Keepers has something for everyone, whether you like traditional tales or modern storytelling. Our channel is also a community of storytellers, where we share our stories and love of the craft. Our goal is to create a community of people who love storytelling and are looking for a platform to share their own. Join us on our voyage of discovery and let The Tale Keepers be your tour guide through the world of storytelling.