Hi! My name is Jen and welcome to my channel. I am the creative brains behind DIYing Ain't Pretty. I have worked at many nonprofit organizations where money was low and you had to learn to make a lot out of a little. I've created exhibits for museums, crafts for camps, and DIYed like a mad women in every place I've lived. I know DIYing Ain't Pretty. My channel is here to take on the struggles of DIYing with you, create some funny moments, and face my fear of putting myself out there. Here, I am showing you what I love to do.
This channel is for you if:
You are interested in DIY projects.
You are looking to freshen up something in your home for a reasonable price.
You want to get a laugh out of watching me make mistakes.
You want to learn tips and tricks before starting your own project.
Let's get started!
Please subscribe and comment. Your feedback helps me grow. New videos posted weekly.