This channel is in Las Vegas...also referred to as "the Ninth Island".
The channel is for RCers of all types...large & small scale...bashers &, trucks, buggies, boats, planes, drones, etc. If you enjoy any aspect of RC, this channel is for you.
In addition to things normally classified as RC, I hope to occasionally include RC-related stuff, and maybe even things that some might not normally consider as "RC".
Note that any items 'reviewed' will have been purchased with my own funds. At any point, if products reviewed are received from manufacturers for the purpose of a review, I WILL clearly state this in the review video. However, let it be known, no matter how a reviewed product is obtained, reviews will ALWAYS be honest, and of my own opinion...manufacturer will have no say in those opinions. Having reviewed manufacturer-provided tech products (TVs, computers, etc) for years, and ALWAYS provided my own opinion, I'd do the same here.