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Jonny 1388

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My aim with this channel is to hopefully give an insight int

Jonny 1388
4 years ago - 823 likes

Hi everyone....
If you all still remember who I am!
Firstly can I just say that I wish you all the best with the current situation we find ourselves in.
I'm hoping each and every single one of you comes out the other side of this mess with good health and a bright future ahead.
What crazy times we live in, but seeing how whole communities have come together across the world to help those in need has truly warmed my heart.

I've been missing off YouTube for a while now I know, and I intend to make a video explaining properly where I've been... But to cut a long story youngest daughter "Honor" has been very poorly and just before Christmas had to under go some life changing bone surgery...she is on the mend but will have to be under the care of a children's hospital on and off until she is 16. And potentially have problems for the rest of her life.
Even though you wouldn't know it if you saw her!
(She is only 2) it's been very intense and upseting for me and Nichola to see her go through what has happened so far.
On top of everything else that happened/people I had lost in the last 18months,my head wasn't in the best place to continue with the videos.
I had also started a new job at a different farm which the timing of couldn't have been any worse really.
I had a wonderful time at Pollybell over the many years I worked there and wish them the best of luck in the future. The time was right for me to move on, face a new challenge and learn something new.
My new job is great and I still get to drive a nice big fendt (not a 1050 though) and some other green ones...
So if you can all bare with me a little longer while I get myself in order after everything we've been going through recently, hopefully I can go back producing the videos I love making so much.
Thank you all, and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to let you all know.

Hope to see you on the other side!!
Good luck, and stay safe everyone!!

Jonny 1388
4 years ago - 34 likes

MY FARMS HARVEST VIDEO!!! (Link below!) I make a brief appearance in the 240 lol
Hiya guys and girls!!! Thanks ever so much for the warm welcome back.....again 🙈 lol
I'll get used to this YouTube video business one day lol!!
A Lot of you guys have asked about harvest videos, because of the nature of my job role being the "big tractor" driver, I don't get to much involved with the harvesting side, I'm generally following behind the combine drilling cover crops/margins and working stubble. Though I do get drafted in to help out with the corn carting when they need an extra tractor or I'll drive the combine when lee (the operator) has a day/night off.
So I'm not saying there will never be combining videos on my channel because there absolutely will be, and I intend to show you everything I know about operating our claas lexion 770.
It's the price I pay for driving the big kit, your often out in the fields working the same hours but behind the combine instead of along side it.
So here's a video of us combing some winter wheat, and rare footage of me in the 240 getting a load to take back to the grain store.
Please feel free to like the farms YouTube channel and Facebook page as it will give you a great idea of what we get up to as "whole" farm.
Cheers guys! Back to editing for me tonight!
Next video will be out ASAP

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 168 likes


Helloooo everyone!
I wanted to post this little update to
Just let you guys and gals know I haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth! Lol

It turns out we’ve had one of the best springs I can remember here in the UK, and it’s kept me pretty busy up to now, with preparing and drilling our land.
I’ve literally had no time at all to do any editing, BUT that doesn’t mean I haven’t been filming 😃 so when I get chance I’ll be putting some hours in front of the computer trying to make sense of what I’ve filmed! 😃

I know you all understand, I’ve said things like this loads of times before, and you have all been great about it.
So thank you for being patient, and sorry to everyone who has messaged me on my Facebook and Instagram accounts and hasn’t had a reply back yet.

I’ve not got much more drilling left to do now, just waiting for some of our sheep to finish off grazing, and some crops to finish being harvested so I can get in, prep the land and get it drilled. Then it’s the 2019 drilling season done. And what a season it’s been!
So I’ll see you all as soon as I can! :)

Look after yourselves

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 143 likes

Good evening/good morning everyone!!
Well so much for me releasing a video every Tuesday, that didn’t last very long did it?! lol
Just wanted to let you guys know I haven’t suddenly disappeared, I’m still here! :)
Works been pretty busy and I haven’t had much free time for editing recently, but I’m half way there with a 1050 and vaderstad topdown video :) hopefully I’ll be able to upload it this week.
Thank you all for being so patient :)
I’ll see you soon!
Stay safe!

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 104 likes

INSTAGRAM jonny1388_youtube

Hi everyone!
Hope your all well!!

A lot of people were asking if I had an Instagram account.

I wasn’t going to make one because I struggle to keep up to date with YouTube and Facebook already...
As I never have much free time with working long hours and having 2 young kids.

But I thought I may as well give it a try, and see what all the fuss is about! :)

I haven’t the slightest clue how it works, and please forgive me if I don’t get round to commenting back, or anything like that. Like I said time is something I’m very short of at the moment but I will endeavour to do my best :)

Thanks everyone! :)
Hopefully have another video out on Tuesday :)

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 148 likes

Hi everyone!
Feels like ages since I’ve spoken to any of you!
I hope your all doing well!?!

Just thought I’d let you all know I’m still here, I’ve got loads of stuff filmed recently but haven’t managed to get any editing time, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

I’m on it tonight though, come rain, shine, dirty nappies and get a video edited this evening!! 😃😃

Take care now!
See you soon :)

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 49 likes

Hi everyone!!

Editing some videos this weekend :)
One of the LAMMA show,
And the other is some more Fendt 1050 controls, mainly in cab 3point linkage settings.

And some shoutouts too! :)

Here’s a video the farm has done of us harvesting our organic cereals during the blisteringly hot summer of 2018!
You might spot me at the end of the video 😉

See you soon!
Take care! :)

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 142 likes

Hi everyone! I hope your all well!!

Just a quick update on what’s going on at the moment! :)

I recently took the family on a Christmas holiday, so I’m a bit behind with editing/filming the next video. I know you all understand, but I just wanted to keep you informed so you don’t think I’ve disappeared! Lol

There’s another GIVEAWAY coming up, thanks to the fantastic Steve lamb from Bridgestone and Pete from Tanvic tyres.
A goody bag filled with Bridgestone goodies of all kinds!
So watch out for that one :)

Things are very quiet on the farm now, the 1050 has been put to bed for the winter. I’ve been doing a bit of muck carting and started some land drainage work today.

I will see you all before Christmas, but I’d still like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us in the 1388 household! :)

Take care of yourselfs and I’ll see you soon!! :)


Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 55 likes

Hi everyone!!!
FINALLY got the ploughing video sorted! Lol!
I really hope you all enjoy it!
Just in case you missed the link at the end of the video, here’s the link to Chris video of me ploughing with the 1050.
Really hope you like his too,
It’s took a lot of organising between us both lol

Have a fantastic weekend everyone,
I’ll see you all again soon!
Take care now
Jonny :) :)

Jonny 1388
5 years ago - 19 likes

GIVEAWAY TIME!!...again! :) lol

Hi everyone!!
I hope your all well!!??
I’m absolutely flat out at the moment,
So I’m sorry the vids have slowed up again, trying my best to get things edited quickly :) but there is some good news... :) :)

We mentioned on the announcement video for simply agri, there would be a competition to win a canvas of the fendt 1050....well here it is!!

Just something from me and chris to say thank you for all the support you’ve given us, you truly are a wonderful group of human beings, thank you :)

To enter the competition, click on the link and follow the instructions on the website :)

Thanks again everyone!
Wish each and every single one of you all the luck in the world!!
Take care,
Jonny :)…