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147K subscribers - no pronouns set

🧿 First of all, my channel is for a "General Audience" unde

2 years ago - 68 likes

Did u all have a yummy Thanksgiving? 😋🦃🍖

2 years ago - 16 likes

So I can figure out what to upload/stream next after like 10 or so 8K videos n after I fully recover from my surgery, what do u guys prefer to watch n like to watch mostly? I'm asking cuz unfortunately I'm one of those channels with high subs but low views throughout n I need to find a way to get the algorithm to be back on my side to help the channel grow. It's absolutely terrible at knowing what to push out to the recommended.

Also, I'm needing to do this cuz youtube is hitting me with the "made for kids" crap on my most viewed videos (Kingdom Hearts) even after I appeal them (They released their "made for kids" claim on my KH2 Mulan video after I appealed them, but they decided not to release their "made for kids" claim on my KH3 Tangled video... makes complete sense. Notice it's the same damn game franchise with the same damn characters in both videos but youtube just decided "oh, well the KH3 Tangled one is made for kids n u can't appeal our decision n choice to make ur video only visibleto children now". which is BS since I don't make videos for kids. So i might have to resort to uploading n streaming a "tiny bit" more violent games to avoid that. It's sad youtube is becoming more of a "dictatorship" rather than a "partnership" (Youtube partnership program) as forcing creators to change their audience due to "their" opinion will do nothing but decrease 90% of revenue from views n make creators leave youtube...

It's so frustrating cuz u can't monetize family friendly games cuz they'll just label them all "made for kids" even after u appeal them so u lose 90% of ur revenue, n u also can't monetize mature n violent games cuz they are "Age Restricted". So what's the point in streaming any game at all then? Youtube is being stupid 🙄

P.S. From past voting polls I've done, I honestly see the 1st option being voted for the most, but I'm doing the poll anyway so 😝

2 years ago - 33 likes

What's up guys n gals! Just wanted to let u know I'm finally uploading a couple 8K 60fps AI enhanced videos rn. As u know, I'm gonna be future proofing the channel with native 8K content (n especially since the middle of the year is usually slower in view traffic anyway), n youtube is just taking longer than usual to update the resolutions. It's been 2 days n youtube only has both at 1080p. I never publish the videos til all resolutions r available cuz youtube has a bad habit of permanently setting a lower resolution forever if a video is published b4 all resolutions r processed.

Anyways, hope u all r having a great week so far n when both these videos r finally processed, I will publish them to be viewed. 😁

3 years ago - 29 likes

Alright, so quick update... ran into some technical difficulties on my end so apologies for not streaming or uploading anything in a min. Also been runnin into some experimentation no-nos (AI and graphics testing problems). Due to these unforeseen events, I will upload as soon as either 1. I get a 3rd computer for streaming/editing purposes while the other 2 can do AI work or 2. I wait til both my only 2 computers get done with the AI work (or possibly let only 1 computer do it while I stream for u guys) to stream. I can't decide. Help me decide! I got SOOO many videos I'll be doing AI work too. The more i can get done now to futureproof the channel, the better!

3 years ago - 28 likes

Apologies for nothing uploaded recently everyone. As u know, I been using AI enhancement software for my videos to provide u all with the absolute best visual quality possible. However, I REALLY want to stream and/or record footage as I'm doing the AI work n I been running into hiccups along the way delaying my work. Issue is, Im using both of the only GPUs I have (RTX 3090 and RTX 2080 Ti) in 2 different PCs which means I can't even stream or record anything while they're doing AI work! I plan on buying an RTX Quadro A6000 eventually (once the AMC stock squeezes lmfao) so I can use it with my RTX 3090 to do the AI work quicker.

Might possibly be able to stream at same time with this. Idk. Either way, I need another PC built with that RTX Quadro A6000 or just the RTX Quadro A6000 itself n I'll be able to start streaming way more often. I have other online businesses I run that need the AI work done too (not just youtube). So this is a must needed investment.

Anyways, do u like when I upload extremely creative videos or do u all enjoy me streaming more? Or both? Jw so Ik what to prepare the channel for in the coming future. N I LOVE to edit videos the most anyway. Jw all of ur guys' n gals' taste 😁

3 years ago - 63 likes

AI Enhancing and Upscaling takes a looong time. Most professional AI Upscaling is done by converting recorded videos into image sequences n then sharpening n upscaling every single image that makes up the video individually. Which is EXACTLY what I'm doing. Problem. Takes almost 2 freaking weeks to do one 45 min video from 4K to native 8K. JUST ONE 45 min video. N that's with a $1,800 RTX 3090 GPU AND a $1,000 2080 Ti GPU doing it separately (30,000 images on 1 computer, 30,000 on the other) at the same time to get it done quicker.

Like I said, I'm doing this to future proof my channel for when 8K actually matters n people r able to afford 8K tvs n we start seeing 8K tvs in stores (my local Best Buy doesn't even sell 8K tvs. Just 4K max. Had to order my 8K tv online). So I'm trying my best to start streaming soon but unfortunately this process in first paragraph takes a long time. I'm hoping I can invest in another computer soon so I can let these 2 computers do AI work WHILE I stream. It'd be so much better. Unfortunately, this also means I'd have to buy yet another 3000 series GPU n NONE r in stock n won't be in stock possibly anytime soon. Least not for normal price (F*** you scalpers).

I will edit n upload whenever I'm able to. Work-Life Balance anyways. Ya know?

3 years ago - 67 likes

Just another update as of April 3rd, 2021. I am in the process of recording all the Kingdom Hearts cutscenes again on PC with the better graphics (since release of March 30th, 2021), once I edit these together I will be transferring them to the bedroom PC for other video work. Once I start doing this, I or Zoe will start streaming for you guys again. Thank you all so much for ur patience!

I will also be uploading my silver play button award in better quality with my phone's rear camera (4K60) n possibly delete the stream we did since the quality sucked really bad (720p). We will never "stream" from the youtube app for vlogging ever again cuz of this. Youtube needs to fix that cuz my front camera on my phone we streamed from is a 4K30 camera n youtube just saved n capped it at 720p. Terrible! 😔

3 years ago - 88 likes

TL;DR I won't be uploading anything for about a week or so unfortunately cuz I can't use my computers rn as they r doing AI video work. Might upload a better quality unedited video of my Silver Play Button award with just me in video (won't be a stream) since youtube only put my previous stream in 720p n never updated in the meantime. I like 2K minimum for streams. I don't even like Twitch or Facebook's 1080p limitation. I prefer 2K or higher. Lol. I have a huge quality obsession. I also made money on my investments in AMC and Gamestop's stock! I'm excited to continuously hold it til we all (those participating) get rich! Then i can reinvest in the channel so u all can benefit! Need a 3rd computer built soon since i use both of my currently owned computers for AI video work.

Ok, so just an update (March 15th, 2021) as I told u all i will be updating thru this instead of new videos as updates. I'm rn still AI enhancing n upscaling (in native 8 another def jam video. Says it's gonna take about a week or a tiny bit more to do... until I can afford a 3rd PC (yea, my main in living room I stream with n the 1 in bedroom r both doing AI video work), i won't be able to stream while they do this as it uses the entire graphics cards' power to do AI video enhancements.

As mentioned b4, i want to do this ahead of time for the channel so once 8K televisions start becoming the norm like 4K has, then viewers will have 8K videos already ready to go n in AV1 format (I'll probably have to pay for advertising to get the views up on these videos since youtube is terrible at recommending n sending out notifications to people (had some subscribers tell me they don't get any notifications when i go live or upload anything so they gotta keep periodically checking. Just proves youtube's way of reaching more people is trash.

If ur wondering what I use to AI enhance n upscale to 8K, I use Topaz Sharpen and Topaz Gigapixel to accomplish the enhancements. However, they r for pictures only. So I use Topaz Video Enhance to save my edited videos into PNG image sequences (thousands of pictures). I then use Topaz AI Sharpen and Topaz AI Gigapixel to upscale to native 8K.

U might be asking "y don't u just upscale with Topaz Video Enhance since u can?". Well, excellent question! I noticed the quality, sharpness n clarity is SIGNIFICANTLY better in 8K on my 8K TV for experimentation purposes when exporting my edited videos to a PNG sequence with Topaz Video Enhance (instead of just exporting a straight upscaled video), straight to Topaz Sharpen, use Topaz Gigapixel afterwards, then finally combining the PNG sequence back to video instead.

Takes significantly longer (like days longer), but provides significantly better quality in native 8K then if I was just to upscale directly with Topaz Video Enhance.

3 years ago - 70 likes

WHO'S EXCITED ABOUT THE AMC STOCK HYPE! Sorry I haven't uploaded anything else yet guys. Work-Life Balance, ya know? Im also tryna figure out how to record 8K HEVC properly on OBS as I can easily record it with my RTX 3090 with Shadowplay (Nvidia's recording software) but the videos outputted just don't have good quality audio. OBS has the best audio with all of its advanced settings tho.

However, I been doing trial n error but looks like I'm gonna have to AI enhance n upscale a lot of my videos (my PC games mainly but I also have more surprises later) til we have even more powerful computer hardware (or an 8K capture card finally wuth HDMI or DP input) to record 8K 30 with better audio. In other words, I'll have to downscale 8K PC games to 4K, then AI enhance n upscale them back to 8K (takes waaay longer) to have the better audio cuz I'm NOT gonna have shitty audio (Shadowplay).

This wouldn't be a problem if Nvidia would just allow consumers to change their audio bitrate and format themselves with Shadowplay like u can with OBS but audio is limited to 192Kbps max which isn't feasible when I have to turn around n edit in Davinci Resolve or Adobe Premiere Pro n then upload to YouTube.

By that time, audio is re-encoded like 3x slaughtering the audio quality. So u see, 320Kbps or even PCM WAV audio (preferred) is a must when editing videos for the most professional audio quality. N so, I have to use OBS for the audio. Shadowplay records 8K30 flawlessly but OBS can't use Nvidia's HEVC encoder properly. So it's either shitty 8K video but amazing audio with OBS or... amazing n smooth 8K video with Shadowplay but shitty audio for everyone to get a ruined experience by on youtube. There is no in between rn.

So I either need a $5K 64 core processor for 8K recording with the libx264 encoder (which records best for my PC overall in 4K. I only use NVENC to live stream), Nvidia needs to release an update to Shadowplay to allow audio bitrate n format modifications (which would directly compete with OBS since the audio is the only thing that sucks with it) or we gotta wait another 2 years b4 we have a single graphics card that can record 8K 30 in OBS properly (which would be BS considering Shadowplay records 8K 30 flawlessly...other than the shitty audio). Just be patient with me, I'll get something put up soon as I can but I unfortunately won't be streaming for a min til I figure this out.

3 years ago - 70 likes

What's your most favorite thing about the the original Def Jam series that makes it is so nostalgic for you?