Subscribe to my Channel or join me live while I contact spirits of the deceased that are people I've known such as Family, Friends and will also take requests. You will be able to hear these voices in Real Time and I DO NOT USE IP SWEEP SCANNERS. THESE ARE REAL LEGIT CONTACTS THAT I WILL PLAY BACK AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS SO YOU VAN HEAR RESULTS. Any videos I take to start my contact sessions, I always turn my WIFI, DATA AND ANY KIND OF DATA CONNECTION OFF AND IT WILL BE SHOWN IN THE VIDEOS THAT I INDEED DO SHUT THESE SERVICES OFF TO SHOW I'M NOT USING IP CHANNEL SWEEPERS THAT REQUIRE INTERNET TO AQUIRE VOICES. Please subscribe!
Please email me with requests. Please include their full name it can be first and last if you'd like and what they died from. Also you can include your first name you do not have to include your last name. Once the video is posted when you subscribe you will be notified.