Hello, everyone, this is Cyberhorn92, welcome to the channel! If you're a new subscriber please subscribe, turn on that bell notification to be part of the family and be the future of the channel and drop alike.
This channel used to be a trading card game and changed the channel so much through time. Basically, I'm saying that I want everything in one category, not just one category and changed the perspective. Want more subscribers to enjoy random videos.
Thank you to everyone that support me since the beginning all the way until now.
Also I have a creator code for Epic Games it is YT-CYBERHORN92
Road to 100,000 until getting the Youtube play button.
#YuGiOh #Fortnite #Content
50 Subscribers✔️
100 Subscribers✔️
500 Subscribers✔️
1000 Subscribers✔️
1500 Subscribers✔️