Hey everyone!!!!!! :-)
I am Mahwesh, friends know me as Mahi!!
I am an Indian mother of two pretty princesses living in the UAE (Dubai & Fujairah).
Life as an expat mom, living in a foreign land far from the family with hardly any help, pushes one to adapt to quicker and easier ways of navigating through motherhood. And here I am sharing these simple ideas from my day to day life as a mother and a homemaker.
So if you are looking for quick, easy yet tasty one pot meal recipes for the whole family with minimal prep work and less dirty dishes OR mom hacks and DIYs to cut down on your expenses OR useful tips on parenting and motherhood to make your life easy OR just the regular vibrant glamorous life in Dubai, UAE, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE HABIBI!!!
SUBSCRIBE NOW to join my village of moms where you will find fresh ideas and zero judgment!!!
#momssupportingmoms #indianmomindubai