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Fun Swedish

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We make learning Swedish Fun! SUBSCRIBE for weekly tips and

Fun Swedish
1 day ago - 20 likes

Let’s have some Fun conversations in Swedish! 🇸🇪
The highest level of any of our Live Zoom Group courses! 🤩
In the Lingonsylt group, our main focus will be conversation. And helping you feel more fluent.

If you are an intermediate (B1-B2 or maybe did SVA1 or 2?) come and join us!
Class starts in 2 days!
Click here to find out more and sign up:…

Fun Swedish
1 week ago - 37 likes

PS: We also have 4 more groups.✅ Blueberry Jam (1 spot left!)✅Köttbulle med lingon (starts April 25th!)✅Prinskorv (lower intermediate+)✅Lingonsylt (intermediate / conversation level)PS 2: Send us a DM if you want to join but you don't know what is the best level for you.

Fun Swedish
3 weeks ago - 44 likes

Learn more or sign up…

Fun Swedish
3 weeks ago - 34 likes

Fun Swedish
1 month ago - 71 likes

They are here 🎉 LAST live Zoom courses before the summer! Come and join us 😁.

5 new short courses. 5 different levels. Each lasting 5 weeks!

✅ Blueberry Jam - Beginners 1.5 (not 100% beginners A1).
✅ Kardemummabulle - Beginners 2.5 (Start of A2).
✅ Köttbulle med lingon - Beginners 3.5 (End of A2, last step before intermediate).
✅ Prinskorv - Lower intermediate 4.5 (mid B1).
✅ Lingonsylt - Intermediate 5.5 (early B2).

For more information about exact dates and prices check out our website!
Click here:

#learnswedish #swedishlanguage

Fun Swedish
2 months ago - 147 likes

Today is fettisdagen 🇸🇪. An old Swedish celebration .

Also known as the day of the Semla! 🤩

The Semla is a guilty pleasure for many Swedes 🙈. It is absolutely packed with calories.

But on this day… all bets are off 🤪. And Swedes feel like they are allowed to eat as many Semlas as they want to. And you HAVE to eat at least one.

How many Semlas will you eat today? 🤔

Ps: If you work in an office in Sweden, you will likely get some for fika today.
Ps 2: Learn more about this tradition on our Youtube video about it.

#svenskaord #expatinsweden #swedishwordoftheday #svenskasomandraspråk #swedishlanguage #learnswedish #learningswedish #svenska #svenskaspråket

Fun Swedish
3 months ago - 76 likes

Old Swede meme from the depths of the internet 🇸🇪.
That probably came out when a gang of Swedish rulebreakers invented the semla wrap 🤯. Now there is even fried semla.

Where do you stand in the heated Semla debate? 🤔 What is your alignment? Are you a purist? Or are you a rebell? 🤪 Let us know in the comments! 🕵️‍♀️.

Some translations for those who need them.
Frompurist = Form purist.
Semlan ska bestå av två bröd med fyllning mellan = The Semla has to consist of two pieces of bread with filling.

Semlan ska bestå av någon form av bröd och fyllning = The Semla has to consist of some form of bread and filling.
Semlan kan ha precis vilken form som helst = The Semla can have absolutely any form.

Innehåll = Content.
Endast traditionella semle-ingredienser får användas = Only traditional semla-ingredients are allowed.
Även andra typiska bakverksingredienser kan ingå = Other classic pastry ingredients can be included.
Vilka ingredienser som helst är tillåtna = All ingredients are allowed.
#svenskaord #expatinsweden #swedishwordoftheday #svenskasomandraspråk

Fun Swedish
3 months ago - 24 likes

New Lingon (Intermediate) group is open for registration 🇸🇪.

If you want to continue improving your Swedish in a fun way, this is the course for you 😊. With lots of conversation practice.

Sign up here:…

There are only 10 seats in this course. Get yours before they run out! 🏃

PS: we are opening 4 other levels as well starting at the end of January. So you can surely find the right course for you!

#svenskaord #expatinsweden #swedishwordoftheday #svenskasomandraspråk #swedishlanguage #learnswedish #learningswedish #svenska #svenskaspråket

Fun Swedish
3 months ago - 91 likes

Have you eaten a Semla this year yet? 🇸🇪🤔

For context: Februari is the Semla season, since it has Fettisdagen.
Extra context: Semla is a Swedish pastry filled with grädde (cream) 🤤.

But much like Christmas keeps coming earlier and earlier because people can't wait, the Semla season keeps coming earlier and earlier because Swedes love a good Semla 😊.

So you start seeing them in your local bakery, the supermarket, social gatherings and your plate (how did it get there?! 🤷).

PS: In our beginner courses, we often learn Swedish by reading a Semla recipe. Taking “my dog ate my homework” to a whole new level 🙃.

#studyswedish #semla #fettisdagen #swedishfood #swedishcourse

Fun Swedish
3 months ago - 40 likes

New Lingon (Intermediate) group is open for registration 🇸🇪.

If you want to continue improving your Swedish in a fun way, this is the course for you 😊. With lots of conversation practice.

There are only 10 seats in this course. Get yours before they run out! 🏃

Sign up here:

PS: we are opening 4 other levels as well starting at the end of January. So you can surely find the right course for you!

#svenskaord #expatinsweden #swedishwordoftheday #svenskasomandraspråk #swedishlanguage #learnswedish #learningswedish #svenska #svenskaspråket