Gold prospecting adventures across the East Coast of the United States (mostly in Maryland). I search for "wild gold" in local creeks and streams. Wild Gold is gold that's found in the wild (e.g.., nobody has ever seen or touched it). Gold Paydirt reviews. Urban Prospecting - I love to find gold in the sand from local hardware stores. You'll also find reviews of various equipment I use to find and extract the gold. Metal detecting is a lot of fun. I've even tried "divining rods".
NOTE: Political, religious, and mean spirited comments will be deleted and subscriber will be banned from my channel. There will be no selling or marketing in the comments. I've had people attempt to sell crypto, MLM, etc. These messages will be deleted and the subscriber will be banned from the channel. Remember, we’re here to have fun, but not at somebody else’s expense. Having said that, let's go and Get The Gold!
#goldprospecting #prospectingforgold #paydirt #paydirtreview