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TesseractHeart Misc

2.11K subscribers - no pronouns set

Posting whatever miscellaneous nonsense I find interesting.

TesseractHeart Misc
4 months ago - 9 likes

Hello I'm alive just been focusing on other stuff, but YES I saw the announcement for Until Dawn coming to PC and yes I am going to be looking into modding stuff for it the moment it becomes available! Of course I am no expert at all when it comes to modding but even just a free cam, pulling dialogue files, getting a better look at textures, etc etc would all be great for fandom and I'm super interested in that; there's so much potential!!!

Also, yes, I've heard about the movie, though I'm a little less enthusiastic about that; might be great, might be... Not... But I'm going to keep an open mind! I loved the FNAF movie after all, so not like I've got any right to judge video game movies.

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 13 likes

A whole new world of Until Dawn nonsense to explore~

But in addition to being able to (hopefully; they seem to work but didn't test much since I'd like to do a let's play) play the early builds. having the files means I've been able to pull some data out, including what I was really looking for: audio. Since Noah Fleiss and Brett Dalton were involved for so long, there's dialogue for Chris and Mike with their voices that of course never ended up in the final game, which will be fun to hear!

I'll also of course be looking for images, music, etc that might be of interest to fans of the game. And although this is all PS3 and therefore easier to work with than PS4, it's all practice for attempting to tackle the true Until Dawn at some point; I would absolutely love to be able to get clean dialogue ripped out, at the very least.

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 5 likes

Had an idea for a fun video that's still actually like, talking about the DPA in general rather than tierranking or whatever so I hope to get that posted probably Friday. Here's a few hints as to the topic~

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 3 likes

Thank you everyone! 1.8k may not seem like a huge number compared to other channels, but it's way more than I ever really expected to get here, and I appreciate all of you and your patience with my extremely varied content.

I've finished my script for a Devil in Me video; it won't be extremely long, but it'll be something! I expect to post it sometime next week.

Other things currently in the works:
- Ashley essay/character analysis
- Detroit Become Human iceberg
- All English Dialogue for Ethan Mars
- Video Games Myths and Legends redo/more tiers

Thanks for being here and I hope you enjoy what's to come!

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 5 likes

FINALLY played through Devil In Me. I have to figure out my feelings on it and probably do/watch a few more playthroughs so I get all the lore, but then I'll probably do at least a short video (months late by now shhhhh) about it!

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 0 likes

So I recorded and uploaded a silly tiermaker video for DBH characters, and definitely didn't forget one of the main three. Definitely not.

For my next big video I had sudden inspiration to work on something totally new, which might become a series; I wanted to take a look at Ashley as a character, go through why she's both hated and beloved by fans, her controversial decisions that can be made in game, and then try to fit everything together to come up with one underlying, understandable personality assessment. I think Ashley is really interesting, and I'm already part of the way into the script, and hope you'll all enjoy it when I finish it. If it ends up being fun and people like it, I might end up expanding it to the other UD kids, as well as potentially looking at other characters from other games as well.

For other game/fandom stuff still in the works, I'll be doing something for DBH like mentioned (maybe a character study, maybe an analysis of themes, maybe the comparison between DBH and Heavy Rain that I'm working on for my tumblr but could be adapted to video form, who knows), eventually a Supermassive tiermaker (I want to play The Devil In Me first so I can include its characters), something for Heavy Rain (which is so bad but so good and I love it), and also a retrospective I've been planning for a long time about The Cat Lady, Downfall, and Lorelai. If you've never heard of or played them but like point-and-click and choice-based horror games (they kind of blend both), I highly recommend checking them out (but heed the content warnings.) I also had a silly idea for a UD thing that might end up happening sooner rather than later, since it's very low effort, but hopefully still fun.

I also want to redo and work more on the Video Game Myths Iceberg, as well as maybe do another iceberg or two. I saw a really wild looking one on the sims that definitely caught my attention.

For original works, I've still got the investigations into urban legends, a few of which that I've finished/mostly finished already, and I also specifically want to do a series on urban legends about witches and witch graves. Those just take a whole lot of research, and so even the ones I've already started on have kind of been in production for a long while already.

I'd also like to try and step up the frequency of videos, but unfortunately that probably won't be this coming month, since you know. Worst time of year to be trying to do that. Still, I hope to have at least one video out in December, and whatever it ends up being I hope y'all enjoy!

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 13 likes

*says 'Until Dawn' in Ancient Aliens 'Aliens' voice*

Aka hello everyone my new video is up! It's about an hour long and about analyzing each of Until Dawn, The Dark Pictures Anthology, and The Quarry to see where they succeeded and failed in capturing the love of fans, as well as what could be done better in the future. Hopefully y'all enjoy!

My next video will probably be a much shorter joke video since I had the idea; have y'all ever seen those tierranking videos where someone uses tiermaker and ranks their favorite to least favorite characters? They're low effort but lots of fun, and I found a good one that has all the characters from UD, DPA, and TQ so I'm going to do that at some point soon just as a fun silly thing. Fighting in the comments will be allowed and possibly even encouraged.

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 3 likes

The UD vs DPA vs TQ video is nearly done, I'm just adding some finishing touches (clips, images, etc) so it isn't just me staring into your soul for an hour. Also this video ended up an hour long somehow.

ALSO I have learned the basics of looking through game files for Detroit Become Human and Heavy Rain, and have been finding some interesting audio, video, and so on. May end up doing a short video showcasing my findings eventually. But in the meantime, I'll likely be uploading clips themselves to my second channel TesseractHeart2:

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 3 likes

Script for my next video (UD vs DPA vs TQ) is done! Tentative plan is to get it recorded in the next few days and set for upload sometime next week, but also the Resident Evil Village DLC came out today, so I'm not sure how much time I'll need to allot for, you know, crying.

jk but also not really; my emotions are not ready for this.

TesseractHeart Misc
1 year ago - 3 likes

Heya everyone! Thanks for the response on my last poll; I was surprised by the interest in my non-video game stuff, actually! Everything on the poll will be coming eventually, but for now it looks the next non-UD video will be something on Detroit Become Human. I'm not sure yet if it'll be an iceberg or one of the other ideas I had planned for awhile, but it'll be something.

For UD stuff, Joshie gave me a great idea on my poll, which is to contrast UD vs The Dark Pictures Anthology vs The Quarry and what worked/what didn't. I've played UD, The Quarry, and HoA myself and seen several playthroughs of MoM and LH, so I feel like I have a pretty good basis for what, imo, made each game work or not work and why UD still stands out amongst them all.

I have part of the script written for that video, but I keep struggling on how to structure it (a lot of the points and subjects are really tied together) so that's been slowing me down. I'm also planning to take part in NaNo this year, so November will be busy, but I'll still by aiming to get that video up sometime next month at the latest.