Ed Sharpener is a channel where we help students choose best career/academic options in engineering after GATE exam.
The narrators Devashish Phadnis and Rashmi Antarkar are alumni of IIT Delhi and IIT Kharagpur respectively. We provide counselling on the future career path when it comes to choosing job vs Masters and if M-Tech and MSc needs to be pursued, we help in choosing the right branch through our videos.
The crux of the channel is sharing the experience I (Devashish) have throughout my M-Tech and Job journey from IIT and after. I make videos related to my own experiences and learning and I hope to impact lives of some confused students.
If you are a GATE aspirant you will find tons of content on how to prepare for GATE exam and different strategies related to it. And If you are a Masters student or to be masters student from IIT/NIT and other central universities in India, we will bring topics which are relatable for you and will help you take wise decisions for yourself.